Friday, April 21, 2006


Well, I took that big history test today.

I passed with a C.

Which isn't bad, after all. I said all I wanted was at least a C. Now I can get credit for that Political Science class at NDSU without damaging my GPA too much (I hope). Yay!

Except I think I only passed because he wanted to be nice. You see, Mindy spent the entire semester struggling, never asked the teacher for extra help because she thought she could learn the information by herself later. After all, she had basic notes and all the outlines.

Then she did what she thought she could. And memorized it. In a relatively short amount of time too. She felt ready.

Then the test came. She arrived at the office and talked to the nice teacher's assistant. Then she talked with the nice teacher. Everyone was very nice, and understood that she was nervous, and told her to relax.

Then the questions came. You see, Mindy knew the basic ideas of everything, but not the questions he asked. And what she did know was no longer inside of her head. She panicked. And then, like she sometimes does (though completely ridiculous and embarassing and horrible) she cried. Yep.. right there in front of the teacher and his assistant...

The teacher offered me to spend some time with the teacher's assistant over the week, then try the test again because they wanted to help. I told them thank you, but no thanks. After all the struggles I just wanted to be done with it all. So I calmed myself down, and asked if we could start again. I got through it, and was able to decently answer the questions. Then the test was over, and I received my grade. Which was a C. Not bad, considering that I didn't understand the teacher through 90% of the lectures, and I've never taken such a spoken test before. I think I could have down better with either a written test or if I was used to taking spoken tests.

You see, I studied, and knew lots of things. They just were the wrong things.

But at least I passed!


At 9:19 PM, April 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Job! Don't your grades transfer as pass/fail? if so then it should hurt your GPA at all.

At 9:40 AM, April 23, 2006, Blogger Mindy said...

No, as far as I know they transfer as grades, as long as possible. And I hope they do, because I got the equivelant of an A in two of the three courses I got last semester which are counting as 2 German classes back at NDSU... :)

At 7:39 PM, April 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I did that with one of my last quarter final with Business I. I did the homework, I read the chapters in the book, I studied, and then when I took the final, I completely failed! I knew all the stuff but the questions that were asked were not what I was expecting. I still pulled of a B as a final grade though because I had received all the points possible up to that point. I am glad you did alright on you test.

At 9:55 AM, April 25, 2006, Blogger Mindy said...

It's frustrating isn't it! In the states, sometimes that is possible. But in Germany it's not, because in most classes that last test is your complete grade! But, like I said, I passed, so I'm happy.



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