Monday, April 17, 2006


My computer is breaking. It no longer always recognizes that it is plugged in - the cord has to be positioned just right in order for it to charge (I have a lap top)

The screen is also going in and out sometimes...

I love my computer, and while it overall isn't very good, I think it is time to face facts:

My computer is going to (very soon) give up the fight at the rip old age of 3.5.... (and before I had it it was a display model at a store, so who knows what it's been through).

Anyone want to buy me a new computer?


At 2:08 PM, April 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can be funny and not know it. If you get some one to buy you a new one, get one for me.

At 4:12 PM, April 17, 2006, Blogger Mindy said...

ha ha ha. i'll try. you should see me.. i've gotten my computer to stay plugged in so long as i hold the cord just right with my left hand and type with my right. why? so i can get all my pics and stuff copied to cds... then i'm giving up. we think it may just be the cord, in which case my computer may survive a while still... i just will probably need a new cord...



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