Off to sigh seeing we went. Our first stop was Sacre-Coure, a famous cathedral at the top of a huge hill in Paris. The first thing we had to do to get there was climb up an unbelievable amount of steps and get past the seemingly thousands of men trying to sell us bracelets. We told them all no repeatedly, but they were still insistant (though we walked past them and never stopped). One even grabbed my wrist in order to stop us. I pulled away and kept going. It was all worth it though, because once we got to the top we were rewarded with these two views:

The top one is Sacre-Coure.. beautiful isn't it? Other than the church itself, the best thing about this spot is that at least 50% of the people who were there relaxing on the grass or steps (way more than are shown here) were Parisers, people who just wanted to enjoy the beautiful day. On a beautiful day they go out to a park, a bench, a sidewalk cafe and just enjoy the day. Great, huh?
The second one is the view from the top of hill at Paris. Pretty! :)

Nearby we drove past the Moulin Rouge, which I thought was cool since I watched the movie.

Next it was off to the Eiffel Tower, the most famous landmark in the entire world perhaps. We had a cloudy, chilly, windy day but we weren't going to let that stop us! To get an idea of how huge it is, look at the buildings next to it. Those are 5 or 6 story buildings! We paid a bunch of money, and waited in a long line in order to get to the ery very top level... and this is what we saw:

The writing above lets you know how far away those cities are. So, with this view (if I could see that far) I would be able to see Washington D.C. and New York City. The picture doesn't do it justice. The view is magnificent. Here we are, one level higher.

Awww, aren't we cute? Here's one of Dad and Bev:

After that we went back down, and headed to our hotel. Scrowl down a few days and you can see a picture from the Eiffel Tower when it was all pretty and lighted! And that was our first day in Paris.... a wonderful time! :) I'll post more pics of our second day another time! Hope you all enjoyed!
that is so cool that you went to paris. and that is such a cute pic of u and fabian. also thanks for the words of encouragement, i really needed it:)
no problem! hope it helped. paris was fun.
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