Wednesday, June 07, 2006

There aren't enough..

There aren't enough hours in my day. seriously. there should be more hours in the day. apparantly i stopped capatalizing any words... so, yeah. i'm really tired cause Fabian's friends came over last night and we were all up until 2 in the morning, and now I have class at 8:45, and NDSU finally sent me my journal articles that I needed, and I need to read them, and research and do all sorts of things....

i just wish there were more hours in the day to do it all in. oh well. :)

P.S. In case your wondering, no I'm not stressed actually. Just tired, a little loopy and accepting the knowledge that during my research for the next 3-5 weeks (depending on how long I research) I will have very little free time, and what free time I do have will be spent doing homework for my classes. FUN FUN!


At 5:01 PM, June 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It that just like life...

You have some days when you are board out of your mind, crazy to find something to do since you are all caught up on homework or work or whatever. And other times it feels like you are scrambling to make ends meet and have no time to think...

At 7:29 PM, June 08, 2006, Blogger Mindy said...

gee, I don't know that feeling at all...


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