Hey everyone. I know I haven't been updating regularly, but to be honest there hasn't been too much to update.
Fabian has been working tons, about 80 hours per week for 2 weeks, but now he is back to his normal schedule, which is nice. I've still been just going to classes and working on my massive to do list of things to do. This list includes things like homework, and researching for my senior project and everything. My days are actually quite full. On top of that, I am currently addicted to reading Gilmore Girls transcripts of the episodes, because I can't afford to just go out and buy all the seasons on DVD like I would do in a perfect world.
Last night we went and saw The Davinci Code, in English. It was good. I've read the book so there wasn't any suspense there, and I felt that the information they gave (which is important to the book) was better presented and more understandable in the book. Also, I felt that the acting was bad, to be honest. Okay, well, I found that the girl who played Sophie Niveau did bad acting. It just seemed really fake. So I'm a bit dissapointed. Just a note to everyone: I don't believe in what they said in the book/movie... but it was a good cliff hanger, I have to give Dan Brown the credit for that.
Well, that's about it. Sorry my life isn't anymore interesting right now. :)
the actress who played sofie was a train wreck. that said... I wasn't impressed with the movie at all.
You can't really give Dan Brown any credit sense he basically got the idea for his book from the book "Holy Grail, Holy Blood" (or is it the other way around "Holy Blood, Holy Grail") Granted the courts said he didn't, but he did. I agree though, if reading for fun, it is an intertaining book.
did he really get the idea from another book? I've never heard about that... hmmm... jaded, I definitely agree that the girl who played Sophie was a train wreck. I am almost sad that I didn't see it in German because then the voice for the actor would have been different, and maybe then Sophie Niveau wouldn't have seemed so bad. I checked out your blog jaded, looks good! :) I'll be checking back now and then.
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