Friday, June 02, 2006

So... This is Boring

During my freshman year of college** I got a work-study job as a "researcher" in a lab on campus. My job was to come in, and spend my work hours on a computer searching for and requesting scholarly journal articles for their research work in the lab. Half way through the year I quite because I was bored out of my mind, had no set hours to work and therefore hardly worked. Then I worked at Sears, which while still very boring at times, at least had specific work hours.

So how does this apply to today? Today I have been searching for scholarly journal articles and requesting them as well for my research project. I had forgotten HOW BORING it is to do. It's particularly boring, when you look through a list of articles from another source, then go searching for them to see if you can get them online, only to learn that you can't, and then have to go to your school's specific page to request it in print.... and this process just keeps getting repeated over and over and over. I had forgotten how much I hated this process.

On the bright side, this morning I got several pages of my scrap book for the year done. yay! :)

Now if only I could work on my scrap book instead of doing this. bah.

p.s. for those who are intrested, my preliminary research at the zoo will be starting up this next week. That means Monday mornings/wednesday middays/sat and/or sun evenings at the zoo. :)

** hee hee.. the fact that I can say, "during my freshman year of college" is cool. Did you guys know, that I'm going to graduate college one day (dec. 2007)?


At 9:45 PM, June 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's werid to say "during my freshman year of college". i'm going to graduate some day too, hopefully. :)


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