Friday, June 02, 2006

can... no longer... think... have spent... last three... hours... researching... all words... just... start to... run together... in... my head...gorillas... visitors.. behavior... analysis methods... sampling methods.. time of day..ethogram...must... someone.. please... save me...


At 7:12 PM, June 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd help you if I could. I would even enjoy looking up research for you as I have nothing better to do. But since that would be like cheating, I guess I'll go work on my quilt. I hope your brains starts to function again and the words don't all blur together...though I know the feeling when it comes to Accounting. Sitting there and trying to fix one little problem and after trying to fix the problem for hours the numbers just all blur together! Then I just give up for a while to go read... :)

At 8:06 AM, June 03, 2006, Blogger Mindy said...

lol, yeah. learning is fun, huh?!?

Enjoy your quilt. After this post I played Sudoku, which strangely calmed me, despite the fact that it's a thinking thing... :)


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