Monday, September 05, 2005

mommy wow....i'm a big kid now!

Okay.. so, today i did more things all by myself (hence the Pamper's theme song title... if you're not from the US and don't know what I'm talking about, its okay, it's unimportant). First of all.. I contacted the Post Office by myself and learned that my lost package from my mom.. is lost and they can't help me to find it. which sucks. so to anyone sending me a package: USE FABIAN'S NAME NOT MINE!! or else I'll never get it... Suzie, if you're reading, yes I know I still have to get you my address! :)

okay.. so w/the post office, i spoke english, but that's okay. Some medicine I needed was in my lost package, so i had to get new medicine from germany. i called three different places and people, and each time i spoke to them in germany, and got my point across. then i went and found the doc's office all by myself, filled out paperwork all by myself and talked to a doc all by myself. then i went to the Apotheke (pharmacy) and got my meds all by myself, and stuff to remove my icky wart (no, not like the ones on a witch's nose, just a little one)... all by myself...

so you see.. i'm doing things all by myself, and mostly in german even. oh, and i also talked to my health insurance people... all by myself. in german. i'm very proud of myself..

now, if only i could get rid of my dizzy spells... sadly, they seem to have struck me again... it sucks. but, this time i didn't get tipsy at all... this time i'm not sure what caused them. oh well, what's a girl to do?

ps to my family: no worries, other than my dizzy spell problem (which is normal for me) i'm as healthy as a horse. or is it as fit as a horse? i don't know.. but right now I do know.. i'm so hungry I could eat a horse...

off i go.. have a good day everyone!!! :) :):)


At 5:35 PM, September 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Will blog later... deep sea fishing


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