Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Mittwoch - Wednesday

Okay, so today is Wednesday. And I haven't posted since Sunday. Sorry, I've been slacking, and this week has zoomed by.

So, Monday was Der Tag der Deutschen Einheit... which means "Day of German Reunification." Here is a little history lesson for you all... After World War 2, Germany was split into two country: East and West Germany. In the 1960's a wall was built between East and West Berlin to keep people from leaving East Berlin. People who tried to cross the wall were shot. Nice, huh? Anyways, in 1989 the Berlin Wall fell. On October 3, 1990 the two countries were formerly reunited. And now, they have a holiday celebrating that. So, that is what Monday was. which basically meant: yay! no class or work for anyone! and also no stores were open either - so no grocery shopping, no shopping at the "mall" (aka the place in town where you go shopping. It's not a mall, its a walking area w/shops, sort of like a strip mall but way cooler)... but it was still an extra day to sleep in, so it was quite nice.

So, what else is new with me? well, I officially am going to take new classes, sometime soon... but I'm not 100% sure which ones yet. which is bad, I still need to figure it out. I just learned today that there are books which describe the classes, which would help A LOT since the school website here is pretty much incomprehensible.
so tomorrow or wednesday i need to get that.

i'm offically going to start Yoga here in a few weeks. I also may be joining a riding club, learning Karate, and starting to go jogging a few times a week with a friend. so, in other words: i'm going to be busy and staying in shape! which is quite scary for me, since i've been saying i'm going to work out for years, and never actually stick to the plan. hopefully these clubs will influence me to stay in shape.

I also have another goal: to start speaking way more German (slowly but surely I'm getting there: I promise). one way to start that is to make myself more immersed in the language. So my goal is to watch more german tv (instead of the MTV shows in english that are still on TV over here.. like Meet the Barkers, Pimp My Ride, and Cribs), and to finish both Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the sequel "Charlie and the Big Glass Box" (name might be different, i don't remember right now) by the end of October. That means 10.5 pages per day. And yes.. it's a german book. Granted, it's for little kids, but i'm still a slow reader, so it'll take a while.

okay, i think i'm done for now. I'm going to try to work on my schedule for the winter semester for a little bit, and then sleep. have a great day!


At 1:20 AM, October 06, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Mindy,

You are going to be one busy, busy lady. Good for you. I hope you enjoy all the physical activity you are going to be doing.



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