days go by
Hi! Well, it's been a few days since i've posted up here. There isn't much going on. Nothing really... I got to class everyday for a few hours, I come home and do nothing... I get up the next day and do the same thing.
actually, i've been kind of depressed lately. I'm having problems maknig friends, and I spend a lot of time alone since my boyfriend works between 9 and 13 hours everyday until next week. I get bored, with nothing to do for hours, days on end. The problem with this is that once you get depressed or start to get depressed from being alone so much, it is hard to pull yourself out of it. All week I have been sitting around without much to do and have not wanted to make the effort to go out and change my situation. but... the light bulb has finally gone off in my head, and i am going to try to change my situation instead of just complaining.
for starters: yesterday I bought a new camera!! (yay!) it is a KonikaMinolta Dimage G600 camera... with 6.0 Mega pixels, video capabilities (w/sound), a huge memory card (i can take 308 pictures on it) and a rechargeable batter pack. i'm definitely high tech now! i didn't buy it because i was/am depressed though: only because i really needed a new one (my old one broke.. correction: my mom's old one broke)
2: i'm going to call the zoo on monday and ask about volunteering there, so i'll maybe have something to do now.
3. i went to the zoo today. it's a nice little zoo, it only took my about 2 hours (not even) to go through it, but i think i could get some really good experience there if they accept volunteers.
4. there are other museums and stuff in town and in other towns nearby i'm going to try to visit on days i don't have anything to do.
5. i'm going to try to be more outgoing and talk to people in order to make friends. and i'm going to see about other extra curricular activities i can find to do (there aren't many until november though, and the few i know about i don't want to join).
6. i'm going to stop doing nothing and start at least practing german more online and watching tv (for lisetning comprehension) in order to get better and to prove to a stupid guy that my pronunciation may suck but that I can do german well otherwise (a guy from england told my my german accent sucks. it's not my fault i'm an american. but, i'll just try to prove him wrong.. and if that doesn't work: i'll just be good at german otherwise in order to make up for it.)
7. remember to read my bible more and that my life: my actions my thoughts, my words, my deeds, and my attitude is completely up to me, it is a choice. i need to remember to be decisive and choose positive things (like thoughts) it'll make me happier.
yeah, so i just wanted to outline my "get happier and out of this depression plan" (or slight depression.. don't worry anyone i'm nto suicidal or something.. just a little unhappy due to the way the university has worked out.. the university has disappointed me somewhat.. it isn't the way i thought it would be).
and, honestly, i wanted to brag about my cool new camera. i'll try to post a pic of it on here so the world can see.
anyway, have a good day!
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