Sunday, October 30, 2005

Week Three

So, I realized that I forgot to put up a thing saying how my THIRD WEEK of excercising regularly went. Here's the rundown of last week:

Sunday - 5 minutes jogging/10 minutes walking
Monday - Karate Practice, 1.5 Hours (including a cardio warm-up, and strength building cool down)
Tuesday - rest day, no excercising
Wednesday - 5 minutes jogging/10 minutes walking
Thursday - Karate Practice for 1.5 hours again.
Friday - Yoga, 2 hours.
Saturday - rest day, no excercising.

So, there you have it. I only went jogging on my own twice this past week, since I did so much other types of excercising as well. I considered my Thursday cardio warm up for Karate as my third jogging day, since the cardio warm up is more work than my fifteen minute jogs. I must say though, that I did miss the third day. Though I never want to go, when I do I feel very relaxed and happier.

Karate went well.. but I already explained that previously. Let's move on to Yoga. Let's start at the beginning. As always, no matter how hard I try, I was late (bad habit of mine). Only by a few minutes though and everyone else was later than me (except two three others) so that wasn't so bad. I got myself a mat and sat down. He asked as we started whether anyone has language problems and I said that I can understand most things but that German isn't my native language. So, we started. One of the first things we did was sit cross legged, with our hands put together in a prayer form and go "Oooohhhmmmm." Just like people make fun of all the time. I felt sort of... funny. Ridiculous actually. I didn't laugh though. I think that whole thing is made fun of so much that it is hard for me to take too seriously.

Then we went on to otherstuff. I won't bore you with the details but let me just say that Yoga is hard. It looks hard, but it is harder than it looks. Afterwards my entire body hurt. But, I felt like I had more energy. Like I said: I'm not sure I like it.. but I also don't hate it. Since I paid for it I will stick with it this semester and see. Maybe I will start to love it... at the very least my entire body will get stronger.

In other news, I had another new class this past friday. Einfuehrung in die Philosophie (Introduction to Philosphy). The class was overflowing with people. So many people that some people couldn't even get into the doorway. The instrustor is an older guy, and therefore easier to understand because he talks slower. That was nice. I talked to some German students in the class and one said she didn't understand him. That made me feel better because I think I at least got the main points....The class meets sort of sporadically over the next several months, so I think it will be a good class for me.

I got the results of my Einstufungstest which I took last monday. They have us split into groups A through H. Group A is the hardest group and group H is the easiest. I made it into group C. However another class I am taking with the same people meets on the same day as Group C. So, I talked to an instructor and we decided that the only really possible way to fix the problem is to move me into group A, since group B meets the same day that I have a problem on and group D would be too easy. So, Starting this next week I am in the hardest language class they offer... hopefully it'll go well!

And, I think that is it. I haven't posted too regularly this week... i apologize for that. The weather has been gorgeous here.. it feeels like Spring. Sadly though it is becoming winter... and daylights saving was last night, so now it will get darker an hour earlier. It's sad. But with winter comes christmas, so all is well!


At 2:24 AM, November 05, 2005, Blogger Amy said...

I don't know how you didn't laugh during the ohmmmm...

During my pregnancy class, they showed us a video of relaxation techniques to use when we got stressed during pregnancy, labor, etc. I laughed so hard (you know--the silent, holding it in laugh where tears stream down your face) that I'm sure I disrupted the class.


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