Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Halloween Recuperation

Recuperation. The thing you do after you have done something exhausting or unhealthy to your body. Yesterday, I spent the entire day recuperating from my big Halloween Bash. Okay, so you can't really call it a bash, I mean all I did was sit at home watching movies with my friend Kelleen, but I thought that bash sounded a little more exciting.

Our original plan was to go to a party, but since she had a headache and going out partying isn't really our thing so much (her thing more than mine) we went the easy route: rented Hitch, XMEN 1 and XMEN 2 and planned to watch movies all night. All night ended up being only until 1:30 in the morning. My boyfriend joined us at about the same time and the three of us sat talking until three in the morning. It was wonderful.

We all slept until about eleven Tuesday morning, which was a holiday for us, and ate a delicious breakfast, before Kelleen went home. After she left I went jogging. I learned that going jogging when your legs are already sore is not a good idea. Not only did I spend all day recuperating from staying up so late Monday night, I also spent it recuperating from my incredibly sore legs. This working out thing is hard.

By the way, I started a new class on Monday: Conversation. It is a German class, and went well. I am in the "Mittelstufe" group. What that means is that I am in the group who is a bit better in German. I know more vocabulary and can speak better than those in the "Grundstufe" group. People in the Grundstufe group are beginners in German. One woman in there is quite amazing. Her husband's job has something to do with France and Germany (He's an ambassador or something) and so she needs to learn German very fast. She's been learning it for six months, and already speaks very well. We were all blown away.

Today I start my normal language course in the evening. We'll see how it goes.


At 2:58 PM, November 02, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't get discouraged about working out Mindy. Stick to it and you will get less sore.


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