Thursday, January 19, 2006

Advice for the Day

Advice for the Day:

Don't start a new "get healthy and excercise" plan the week before your expecting to get PMS, especially when it is a week in which you have a million things to do, because you are studying in germany, and in germany end of semester time is when you do ALL of your work (papers, tests, presentations) for your final grade in all of your classes. why not start then? Because you will survive a week, barely, and then will just stop caring.

yep... attempt two at excercising/eating right failed already. oops. do you know whats sad though? Right now I don't even care. Right now I have too much other stuff to do.

Here's my to do list:

1. Proofread my paper for Conversation, (paper is in German)
2. Have Fabian proofread my paper, print out and hand in on Monday.
3. Finish writing, and proofread my paper (in german) for Phonetics.
4. Have Fabian proofread my paper, print out and hand in on Tuesday.
5. Research, Translate, and create posters for presentation in German Language Course on Elephants. Presentation is on Wednesday.
6. E-mail Advisor at NDSU with research proposal on Elephants, to get his feedback before I start my research soon.
7. E-mail professor here about our Final test, which is a spoken test in April.
8. Sign up to get an "I was in this class" report for another class.
9. Come up with a research project/research for my 19th Century Novels Class.
10. Find out when my test for that class is.
11. Start Elephant research.
12. Write paper for my final grade in Philosophy.
13. Study for all other tests.
14. Write other papers/homework required by February 18.

Yep... that's about it, more or less. Oh, the first five things are due next week, so they are the worst, and top on my list. This weekend, on Friday we are going to Giessen to spend the Friday evening, and Saturday with her. She may be coming over on Sunday too. She is back from Iraq due to Asthma, and I'm super excited to see her.... but, I have so much to do and am so stressed out. Plus we have to finish cleaning the apartment.

PMS and stress don't mix. sigh. it'll be okay.


At 8:28 PM, January 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know it's ok to take a break and be a little less healthy when you are really stressed. Just know that when life calms down a little you will get back to it.

Good luck on all you have to do for school I know it will all go great.


At 9:05 AM, January 20, 2006, Blogger Mindy said...

Thanks K.C.! Yeah, I know it is okay... which is why I honestly don't care. either at the beginning of February, or when the semester is over, i'll try again... good luck to you too, over here in Europe!


At 12:08 AM, January 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who are you going to see this week end?

At 3:14 PM, January 22, 2006, Blogger Mindy said...

oh, oops... we are seeing my friend Tiff who was in the army. guess i forgot to mention her name... he he he.


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