Monday, March 27, 2006


I need to set goals. This is the conclusion I've come to... so here the goals that I do have:

Long Term

1. Graduate college in Winter of 2007 with honors.
2. Do everything possible to somehow be able to fit in an internship in the summer of 2007 in an area of Animal Caretaking that I would enjoy working in as well, preferably at a good quality zoo or zoological park/center.
3. Run a 5k or 10k race in the fall of 2006. Why? Because I want to get in shape, have something to work towards ( to help me stay motivated) and because I decided that even though I'm in no way ready for it, that it would be a great feeling to someday train for and complete a marathon (26.2 miles). Why? Because of the challenge! Since that would be at least a few years down the road, I decided doing a 5k or 10k race would be a great way to start getting into shape.

Short Term

1. Get decent grades in my classes over here in Germany. I'm working as hard as I can on them, but due to the fact that the courses are harder due to the language (and that I inevitabley will always miss something because of it), if my grades are a bit worse than usual, I'm not too worried about it. Mainly, I just want to pass.
2. Continue volunteering once a week at the Raptor Park here in Germany, and find at least 2 days a week to volunteer at the zoo in Fargo when I get back to the US.
3. Start and complete most of my Photo Journal for my year abroad by time I come home in August 2006. The only undone pages I want are the last few for my trip to Mallorca, coming home and (if I put it in there) re-adjusting to life in the US.
4. Start a training program to run a 5k or 10k race in the fall of 2006.
5. Remember to read my Bible daily...

Yep. So there they are. Let me know what you think. Now, I need to get off my lazy bum and go jogging, take a shower, and go do some errands. Oh, and eat lunch. The whole 5k or 10k race goal is new, and the training idea, and exact parts of the goal aren't finished yet... so I'll fill you all in on it a bit more when I've got it all figured out.

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!


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