Monday, March 13, 2006


I'm sad.

I can't volunteer at the zoo here in Saarbruecken or in Neunkirchen (a town nearby) because they don't take volunteers, and they don't have any intern positions available until the end of July (when I go back to spain, and then back to the US in August).

So I don't know what I'll do. Probably will have to wait on getting experience working/volunteering in a zoo until the fall, when I'm back in the states.

Seems like I'm always waiting because I can't drive that far to volunteer at the zoo (in high school)/the woman in charge of volunteering never is available or calls me back/I don't have time (fargo)/there aren't any positions available/we don't take volunteers (germany)...

sigh... I need 2 years of experience (at least) + bachelor's degree in order to apply for a position in a zoo. If I can volunteer in Fargo when I get back, when I graduate (which will be in Winter 2007 most likely, so that I'm not so stressed, and have time to volunteer and work) I will have 1.5 years... then if I can either get an internship or continue to volunteer or whatever for half a year or so, maybe I can find a job in a zoo. maybe.

Sigh. Its tough.


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