Sunday, March 12, 2006

Movie at 11 PM - Real Begin TIme =11:40

So, we went to see a movie last night, with a bunch of Fabian's friends, and we had a blast! We saw "Last Holiday Movie" (Is that the english name?) with Queen Latifah, and it was very funny...and I'm sure even funnier in English (since in German some jokes and funny things about the way they talk as people is lost).

The movie was supposed to start at 11 pm. We first went and played pool (I sunk in the 8 Ball to win one game for my team! woo hoo!), then headed over to the theater, getting there a bit early. We found our row and seat number on our tickets, and took our seats (we were in row c, i was in seat 10...fabian on my left in 9). Yes, that's right. In Germany, you often have specific rows and seat numbers to sit in. Not always, and after the show starts you can usually find a new space nearby that is better if you like, as long as it is still open...

Anyways, the theaters darkens slightly at 11 and the commercials begin. Yes, you heard me. Commercials. And a few movie previews (but mostly commercials). These are usually the same ones that are on TV here, with the exception of the Malboro commercial which isn't allowed to be on TV (no cigarrette commercials on TV are allowed over here). These commercials last for 30-45 minutes. Yep. sometimes 45 minutes. Then, the lights come back on, and there is about a 15 minute "intermission" in order to buy ice cream or other refreshments. You know, in case the ones you bought 1/2 an hour ago are gone already. Often times a refreshment guy even comes in offering ice cream.

Then the previews for the real movie begin.

And 10 minutes later (now any where from 40-60 minutes after the movie was scheduled to "start") the real movie begins.

Ahh the joys of Cinestar, the theater we were at last night.

Thankfully other theaters only usually have 10 minutes of commercials (including normal movie previews), if that. Some don't have anything except the previews. Is it that bad in the states yet?


At 9:52 PM, March 17, 2006, Blogger Amy said...

This is a trend that is becoming more popular over here, too. I resent getting a sitter, making it to the movies and having to watch COMMERCIALS for coke, etc. I gripe about it everytime we go. At least it's not 40 minutes worth...yet.


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