Thursday, May 11, 2006

I'm in Debt

So I looked online to see how much all of my loans for NDSU added up to so far in the last three years of college... are you ready for the total:

20,000 United States Dollars

College is expensive. Though at the private school my friend goes to, that amount of money is the tuition for ONE SEMESTER!!!!!!!!

Needless to say, it could be much worse. But it's sad to already be in debt. Thankfully I only have three more semesters left.

Oh, and why did I choose to share this with you all? Cause my life is an open book. And I wanted to share with someone - so I chose all of you!

And mom - FINISH THE FAFSA SO I CAN GET MORE IN DEBT PLEASE!!!!!!! and so that I can SOMEHOW be able to pay tuition in the fall. Thank you. Have a nice day. :)

P.S. I'm still itchy.


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