Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Life Is Not Cool

Hey everyone. I know it's been a few days since I posted, so I apologize. I actually wasn't going to share what I'm about to share, but it is driving me crazy so much, that I am going to share anyways.

I contracted a urinary tract infection. So I went to the doc, a different one than normal. I just forgot to mention the fact that I was allergic to sulfa, because I was sooooo busy concentrating on just being understood. And guess who didn't ask me if I had any allergies? The doctor. Well guess what they use to treat urinary tract infections - SULFA DRUGS! So guess who got a sulfa medicine, took it for three days, and then wondered why she had a rash all over her body (we're talking knees to head hear) - yep - ME! woo. hoo.

So now I am being driven crazy by little tiny red bumps all over. The worst part is that they itch like crazy. I have never been so itchy. It itches so much it hurts. I can't even concentrate because of it. I bought anti-itch stuff for it, however so far it doesn't seem to be helping. Believe it or not, I showed it to my doc (it covers my body pretty much from hips to neck; you literally see hardly any normal skin there) who didn't give me any prescriptions against it. So, if this anti-itch stuff doesn't start working, I'm going to have to go find a skin doc to give me something. I'm literally crazy because of it.

Oh, yeah - the UTI is gone, that's no problem. Those symptoms were already gone the first day of the meds. Now I just have to deal with the repurcusions of the medicine. I read online it takes at least a week to go away, after stopping the medicine. Ladies and Gentlemen, that means sometime middle of next week I might get some relief.

K. No one worry about me, I swear I'm fine. The rash will go away on it's own, it's just a matter of time; thankfully I don't have a super severe reaction (like hives covering my body). However, if I don't post often it is because I am busy staying occupied, in order to hopefully get my mind off of the itching.

P.S. Sorry if this was too much information.


At 11:30 PM, May 10, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make me laugh Mindy. Don't worry it wasn't too much information. I use to get uninary tract infections all the time, though not for a year or two. Not since Northwestern where the on-campus doctor told me I wasn't peeing enough (not enough liquid and the bacteria had too much time to build). Anyway, next time you get and UTI or even think you do, just drink cranberry juice. Serious, it works. there is something in cranberries that kills the bacteria.

At 3:19 AM, May 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mindy you make us all lol. it has been a long time since you took sulfa and it will go away can you take a soda bath?
love mom

At 9:30 AM, May 11, 2006, Blogger Mindy said...

Hey guys,

I could take a sulfa bath mom (maybe), but I read that it just makes it worse, from someone who had a similar reaction to sulfa. I'm not going to take my chances. I'm happy I make you guys laugh - I just make me cry. :( I couldn't even sleep last night! The anti-itch cream doesn't help much. But today I'm feeling more positive. If I can just make it through today...

Tami, yeah drinking a lot is important. Unfortunately, Cranberry Juice doesn't exist in Germany. So that was never an option. So, I've just been downing lots of water. I just need to now survive the itching.


p.s. I got all hopeful this morning that my rash was starting to get better, only to get up later and see it in better light and realize it's just as bad, if not worse.


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