WM= Welt Mesiterschaft = World Cup of Soccer... and it's here in Germany this year.
Now, to give you all a little background on the popularity of this event, let's just say that for the past 6 months (or more) EVERY COMMERCIAL has had SOMETHING to do with soccer. Even for products that you wouldn't think would be possible to get a soccer spin on it.
Well today, Germany played it's first game against Costa Rica and won (!!!) 4 to 2. This is great! :) Now, the funny thing is that I can here all these cars honking in joy, and people down on the street screaming, chanting "Deutschland! Deutschland!" (Germany! Germany!) together and all in all just acting loud and crazy.
I can only imagine what will happen if Germany wins the World Cup.
LOL! that sounds like a lot of fun! Soccer is becoming really big in the US too. i walked in the union today (at the U of M where i work for the summer) and there were at least 20 people around the TV watching.
i should say they were watching a soccer game--- i don't know if i made that clear.
lol, you made that clear... yeah, it's crazy here too, like I said in my post. How's your work going? I always check your blog, only to find out you never updated... :( you should update sometime!
I was watching the news the other night, but wasn't really paying attention until I start hearing all theses bleeps...like you hear when TV goes over a swear word. Apparently, People are not allowed to say "World Cup" on TV without being charged for everytime they say it. But the news people were trying to talk about it, without talking about it...The people at World Cup must think they are pretty special. :)
wow, why can't you say WM on TV? that's dumb. It'd be like saying, "You can't say the word "Super Bowl" without being charged for it." Tha'ts just dumb. Over here they say "weltmeisterschaft (world cup)" all the time... no problem. It must have been pretty funny though.
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