Friday, August 05, 2005

a test

Career Inventory Test Results

Extroversion |||||||||||| 40%
Emotional Stability ||| 10%
Orderliness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Altruism ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||| 40%

You are a Guardian, possible professions include - counseling, ministry, library work, nursing , secretarial, curators, bookkeepers, dental hygienists, computer operator, personnel administrator, paralegal, real estate agent, artist, interior decorator, retail owner, musician, elementary school teacher, physical therapist, nurse, social worker, personnel counselor, alcohol/drug counselor.
Take Free Career Test
personality tests by

ha ha ha.. i took a quiz i found. It's actually quite accurate. A definitely can see myself as a guardian, especially since I want to care for animals as a career. did you notice, my emotional stability is only 10%!!!! Sadly... that is soooo very true. It's better when I'm in the states, but here, I'm more emotionally unstable than I ever have been before. ah well... just something to work on. but, we all have our bad parts and thing we need to work on.. mind just happens to be my emotional stability! :) actually, I think it is QUITE hilarious that it says that. Okay, for real now, I'm gonna stop posting on here and be productivve with me life (i.e. showering, then playing my computer game). I've learned I can contendly do things on my computer all day... i think that is my hobby.


At 4:15 PM, August 06, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay Kid, I love the pics you have on line I tryed soooo many time to put pics on line for you and I kept getting kicked off aol. I'm sorry no one wants to comment to your blog I will let every one know that if they read they need to comment too. Love to you both

At 6:42 PM, August 07, 2005, Blogger Jason Yu said...

Hey Mindy! I took the link to your blog from Lorenzo's page. I'm a co-op student in Japan at the moment. Although Japan and Germany are quite different, there are many aspects of living overseas by yourself, that apply to basically anywhere!

I hope you have a great time in Germany!


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