Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Contemplating Life

I ate cereal for both breakfast, and lunch today... is that bad?

With said cereal, I had milk (because i hardly eat cereal without milk) which was sort of slimy in consistancy and tasted thicker than it should... is that bad?

I've recently learned that my History of christian Church Service class will not be able to get any sort of credit at NDSU when I come back, and even if I would get credit for it, it will not help any of my majors or my German minors. Now, I knew this was a possibility with classes I take here... however this class is extremely boring, and I won't get any credit... I now am seriously considering quitting the class... i have enough other stuff to do with my time than visit a class i don't like and won't get credit for... does contemplating quitting something when its half over make me terrible?

Why, oh why, am I so cold lately? Seriously, My hands are currently like ice cubes, and i'm just plain cold... why? our heat in our room and the temp outside have not changed...

I went to the doc over here, for just a routine check up, and have learned that i may have to get a shot for the German Measles. I guess I didn't know that measles were country specific. So.. since there are German Measles.. is the measles that I got vaccinated against way back when the same thing... or did I only get vaccinated against American measles? well... i have to go for a blood test tomorrow to see if I need a vaccination for the German measles. Considering the doc said it is often given to girls when they are young due to possible complications it could cause during pregnancies when given later in life, I'm hoping i don't need the shot. IMPORTANT NOTE: I am NOT pregnant, nor am I planning on being pregnant any time soon... however, if they usually give it younger in life due to pregnancy problems, i don't want having to get it now to come back and haunt me when I do eventually (read at least 25 if I get it my way, preferrable 27 or 28 years old) have kids.

Found some people I knew in my class today. went to sit by them so I wouldn't be all alone like I usually am in my class. About thirty seconds before I get to the row they are sitting it, two people enter it and take the last two open seats right by my aquantences. the people i knew had seen me, but i'm not sure they realized i wanted to sit by them (they were to far away to yell at)... went away dejectedly and sat alone in the front row. i'm still sad now because now i'm stuck here in the apartment alone until fabian gets home at 4:30.... sigh... getting a bit contemplative in my life while being alone, hence this post.

and, i really am curious... is it bad I ate cereal twice today, with milk that was sort of slimy/thick, but tasted okay? if i get really sick, you all now why, and can sue the milk company (why? because the most, if not all, are americans.. and aren't americans sue happy??) (Just kidding: no one sue the milk company.) (but if you do: make sure to give me all the money.) (okay okay, at least part)....

well... still haven't gotten all the packages out for christmas. I'M SO SORRY WE ARE SO SLOW!!!!!!!!! PLLLLEEAAAAAAAAASSSSEEE FORGIVE US! hopefully they'll be out before this weekend.



At 8:41 AM, December 22, 2005, Blogger Amy said...

Cereal twice? Definitely not bad.
Slimy milk? Very, very bad.

Of course I'm the one who hasn't had a glass of milk since 2nd grade because I got some sour milk with my school lunch. I never looked back.

At 9:44 AM, December 22, 2005, Blogger Mindy said...

no milk since second grade!?!?! I'd go crazy, i love milk. :)


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