Thursday, December 08, 2005


Okay, well, because I will never get around to explaining everything as detailed as I can, I am just going to give a very short version of things that have happened recently.

1. We went to Siegen to visit his dad and dad's girlfriend a couple of weeks ago. It was fun. We shopped, we played games... his dad had just gotten a new camera and took many pictures.. too many pictures. i had a huge red spot on my chin (from an evil zit. thanks mom for the acne!) so I look horrid in all the pics, but Fabian promised we could take that away... so, if we ever get the pics... there is hope for me yet.

2. I went last weekend to Stuttgart with my friend Kelleen. We took the train at 7 am and got there at 11.... we wandered around, looked at stores (including a really cool, huge expensive one where there was a guy in a top hat and tuxedo greeting people!), looked at the Weihnachtsmarkt (christmas market) and ate yummy food. We also took pretty pics of the city at night and such... well, Kelleen took the pics and she is going to, eventually, send them to me by e-mail... since I still haven't gotten the camera battery i ordered last week. we got off at the wrong stop during our train ride back (the reason why you shouldn't leave to americans alone in germany after a long day... we were so dumb, yet it was h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s) so we got back at 1 am on Sunday morning. She slept over,a nd we were so exhausted we went to bed immediately... after we got back. it was fun though, and i'm happy we went.

I think that is about it. Now I should be caught up! :)


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