Wednesday, December 14, 2005


so. i just learned what my History of East and West Germany will have for a test at the end of the semester. (note: in german university there is only ONE test at the very end of the semester for your grade. the more advanced classes are a bit different, but for my classes they all will have ONE test and ONE test only over EVERYTHING from the semester). It is going to be a spoken, 20 minute test in which the proffessor asks me questions, and i have to answer them, about anything we talked about in class. the semester is already half over and there is so much stuff. oh, and of course, it will be in german.

i am scared.





and this is only ONE of my eight classes.

i'm so scared.

somone, please help me.


At 3:26 PM, December 14, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you can do it. Just start preparing now and you'll be fine

At 5:54 AM, December 16, 2005, Blogger Amy said...

I sure can't help you, but I do wish you luck. I just took my last final for my graduate course tonight! Whew! But it WAS in English.

At 7:03 AM, December 16, 2005, Blogger Mindy said...

yeah... english is a bit easier.. but i talked to someone I know in that class (a woman from France) and she said that even the Germans are afraid of the test, so that makes me feel better. and thanks K.C. I know that if I start to study now, I'll also be okay.... :)


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