Monday, July 03, 2006


Hey everyone. So, here's another video! Woo! This is a video done last Tuesday at my Juggling group thing. "Group" is a loose term, since there are 2 of us learning how to juggle (me and a guy from... um... eastern europe named Alish. I don't remember which country), the instructor, and two acrobates. The quality is a little poor, but you get the idea. The thing I'm doing is called a Diablo in german, and I don't know what it's called in English. These are the few tricks I can do (exciting huh?) that I've learned, except the last one didn't work very well... anyways.. enjoy!

Create your own video at One True Media


At 1:58 PM, July 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This looks kind of cool. I have seen people at like fairs doing it but it looks kind of hard so i have never tried.


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