On My Way
I'm going off Trier tomorrow, so I won't post for a few days. I'm excited to go, but not at the same time. This weekend is supposed to be completely for me, I was supposed to go, enjoy myself, take lots of pics and do whatever I want to. Not worry too much about money, just enjoy myself.
Except now that I need to do something about my camera, I feel bad just going and spending money on myself, even though I was only planning on spending about 100 Euro on me (not including food, and lodging). So... yeah, I don't know now. But it should still be fun.
From the sounds of it, I will have to get a new camera. So far no one here in Saarbruecken can help me, some message board people for cameras dont' have any idea how to help me, and if it is going to take 4 - 5 weeks to fix, w/o a garuntee it'll actually work, not to mention 200 Euros, I might as well just get a new camera, hopefully one with the same type of battery as the ones I have now. But, this time I'll probably go a little cheaper.
So... that's all from me. I have a 15 page research paper due next Wednesday that I need to go research today. Have a great weekend, and I'll post again on Monday!
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