Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I recently got sick (again) and asked my boyfriend why it is I get sick so much here.

My boyfriend answers, "Because you worry too much and think too much about everything."

I then proceed for the next two days to worry about whether I'm worrying so much that I'm making myself sick.

Quite pathetic. I don't even know when I started worrying so much or why. I mean, I'm the girl who had an ulcer in like the 7th grade because I worried too much!

While I don't know if worrying so much is what is bringing my immune system down, I do know that it makes me unhappy, and anxious, and that I always assume the worst will happen with a lot of things, and then proceed to worry about it.

I've been praying about it, since the talk with my boyfriend, and reminding myself to not worry so much about everything. Hopefully I can start beating this worry thing. Anyone know any good therapists (that are FREE? ha ha ha).

Wait, I know one! GOD!

yay! (does a little rejoicing dance).

oh, and by the way: I officially finished my paper for my 19th Century Novels class. That means I now only have a test to study for, which is in April... yay!

Okay.. I now have to go turn in my paper.

ta ta.


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