Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Over? What? *sigh* not yet

I've said goodbye to everybody except my closest two friends here, Ellen, the international advisor, my german class comrades, and Fabian. I've completed all requirements for 4 out of 6 classes. I got B's for two of those classes, a "pass" grade for one, a "I participated" certificate for another and need to complete the homework for the 5th one tonight before bed (it's already 9:17, I babysat too tonight), and give a short speech along with do a test for the last one on Thursday. Tomorrow I pick up the rest of my Scheine (things that say my grades on them) that I can before I go, pack up my things and decide what needs to be shipped home. Then I need to ship the stuff home Thursday, plus choose pictures for the rest of my scrap book and make sure I have enough paper for the rest of it, so I can do it over vacation. I need to decide to take books with on Greenpeace or not on vacation, as I am doing that project now (yep, switched again) for my international major, as soon as I get the OK and am using the Gorilla research for credit for Zoology.

I got the cutest picture of the girl I babysat today, on my last day... and left her crying with her dad when he wouldn't let her come with me when I left on the bus. Though she asked me multiple times if today was my last day ever, we don't think she quite understood the concept yet. Thankfully. Next week she'll probably ask about me, and the week after... but eventually she'll probably all but forget me (though I'm planning on keeping in contact, so hopefully not). It was still sad though, and her cute giggle and "gut? gut!" will be missed.

*sigh* life goes on, friends move apart, people say goodbye, and life changes. It's been a great year here...I don't know what else to say. I'm going to miss my home here.


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