Sunday, November 13, 2005

Bah... humbug.

Hey everyone! no I PROMISE I'm not in a bad mood. But I got to watch the old cartoon version of "A Christmas Carol" the other day, and it made me happy.... so hence my "creative" title.

Actually, I wanted to clarify something for you guys... no yoga is not like rest! Hmmpphh.. how dare you think that!?!? lol... just watch out, when I come home from Germany I am sooo going to make you do yoga and teach you how rest-like it is! :)

seriously though, I have nothing to say at all today, just felt like posting. I watched Coach Carter the movie this morning, it was very good, I recomend it to everyone. And finally my boyfriend has put Zoo Tycoon the game on his computer for me, so I can play it again! YAY!!! (it doesn't work on my comptuer). Now, all I have to do is get HIM to stop playing it...

well that's it for now... today was another lazy day spent being lazy, and now i have to start working on my gobs of stuff I have to do for the Unversity... ahh... the joys of homework.


At 5:33 PM, November 14, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just watched Coach Carter too. I really enjoyed it as well.

Nice blog!

At 5:39 PM, November 14, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i finally got a chance to read your blog. I finally remembered to do so. Glad to hear you aren't in a bad mood. Yeah i saw Coach Carter this summer and it was really good. Not to mention the guys in it are really cute.LOL!!! Well just thought i would drop you a line to let you know that i am now reading/will be reading from now on your blogs.



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