Friday, November 11, 2005

Two Post Day

Hi everyone. Well, it's true. Today I am writing two blogs. Why? Because I had lots to tell, and it seemed to me that everyone might appreciate it in two (somewhat) smaller sections as compared to one huge one.

So, the subject of this blog is to let you all know that I HAVE A JOB! I know I said I wasn't going to work, but something came my way that I decided to take.

At the university we have many self-made ads that go up all over the place. They advertise lots of things. Many of them have to do with apartments being rented out, or items being sold, or "Nachhilfe" (Night Help/tutoring) for students for different subjects. Occasionally somone also puts a job listing up. Some time last week I happened to see one that advertised for a female student, with English as their native language, to take care of/teach a 2.5 year old girl a bit of English for 3 to 4 hours, once a week. I got the number, and decided to give them a call.

Upon calling them, I found out that the mother is Bulgarian and the father is German. They live in a house in Voelklingin (a subpurb of Saarbruecken you could say) with their 2.5 year old daughter, and the daughter's grandmother. The Grandmother speaks only Bulgarian, the father only German, and the mother and daughter speak both German and Bulgarian. On top of that, they want their little girl to speak English too. That's where I come in.

On Tuesdays I will arrive at their place around 10 am, and stay for 2 to 4 hours. My job is to play with the little girl, and while doing so speak to her in English. So this past Tuesday I had a "Job Interview" where I went and played with the little girl. The mom works in the home, so I will never be completely alone with the girl in my care (not that that would be a problem). So, I got there (half an hour later, I had bus troubles) and played with the girl. It went okay. It was tough because the little girl doesn't know me or understand any english (yet). So, while playing I spent the time translating myself from English to German or German to English. She's the cutest little kid though (at least one of the cutest) and can say my full name (melinda) quite perfectly, which shocked me.

At the end of two hours the mom gave me my money and said that they'd love to have me back next week! That means... I HAVE A JOB! I don't make a lot, only 7 Euro per hour, but it's okay with me because it doesn't feel much like a job to me. It's fun to play with the little kid, and will be cool if I can actually get her to learn English, even just a little. It does give me just enough extra spending money each week though... which really helps.

Well.. that is the end of Post one for the day... Post two is below! Enjoy!


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