Hausaufgabe macht kein spass.
Will jemand meine Hausaufgaben machen?
(translated: homework isn't any fun. Does anyone else want to do it? Please?)
I miss thunderstorms.
This is a site about an American girl who is living with her German boyfriend in Germany and studying at a German university. Here, family, friends, and visitors can read about the ups and downs of living in and adjusting to another country and culture.
Hausaufgabe macht kein spass.
Two days, 6+ hours of online researching and much thinking later, I have come to a conclusion on my looming research project which needs to be researched over here in Germany:
So there aren't enough hours in the day.
Off to sigh seeing we went. Our first stop was Sacre-Coure, a famous cathedral at the top of a huge hill in Paris. The first thing we had to do to get there was climb up an unbelievable amount of steps and get past the seemingly thousands of men trying to sell us bracelets. We told them all no repeatedly, but they were still insistant (though we walked past them and never stopped). One even grabbed my wrist in order to stop us. I pulled away and kept going. It was all worth it though, because once we got to the top we were rewarded with these two views:
If you'll all remember, we last left off as we were heading in the car to Paris...
Well, I took that big history test today.
I'm better now about the whole History thing. I feel confident enough, I'm going to review and reread some explanations to make sure I understand how everything fits together, and I'm going to have Fabian help to make sure what I'm explaining makes sense. Then I'm going to take the test, and if I don't do good then there isn't anything more I can do about it. Worrying and freaking out today and tomorrow before the test won't help me a bit, so I'm not going to.
sorry, in my last post are lots of grammar mistakes...
I hate the test that I have to study for on Friday. There are so many things to know, and I feel so overwhelmed by it all. Funny, how we spent so much time focusing on/preparing for the little things - this test will last 20 minutes. 20 minutes out of my life is not very much. But I sure am spending a lot of time preparing.
Well, here it is folks - the second part of my series on my dad and step-mom's visit here in Germany...
My computer is breaking. It no longer always recognizes that it is plugged in - the cord has to be positioned just right in order for it to charge (I have a lap top)
Hello everyone, me again. Since there is so much to tell about my Dad and step-mom being here for two weeks, I am going to have to post about it in at least a couple of different parts. Since I need a break from crammng for the History of East and West Germany test I have coming up on Friday the 21 of April (read about it here), I thought now would be a good time to start out.
hi. my dad and step-mom bev's trip to germany was a hit. It was lots of fun. However it was exhausting fun. They fly back tomorrow, and we have to leave at 6 am. It is now 11:52 pm. I need to finish copying pictures, make a CD of the 500+ pictures that I have for dad and bev to take with, my computer is being not normal, and I have to wake up at about 5:15 ish tomorrow.