Friday, September 30, 2005

Tomorrow I'm going to Munich!

So, as you can guess by the name of my blog: Tomorrow I'm going to Munich! I'm soooo excited!

It's going to be totally cool. We are renting a car for the weekend and driving down there. We being Chris, Kelline (Colline.. oops, i'm not sure of her name) and antoher girl... we are leaving at 8 am tomorrow morning and driving until about noon, when we should (hopefully) arrive... then we're going to "party" at Oktoberfest... aka try not to get lost in the sea of people speaking german... buy some good food, listen to some music... and basically just enjoy Oktoberfest since it is the only chance we'll have to for sure go....

i'm excited.

and i just realized that i need to get some pics from my camera onto my computer now, before tomorrow so I can take as many pics as possible!

so, off I go... have a good day!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Good Morning

Last week, on Thursday, I hung out with two people from the states, one from Canada and a girl from Argentina. It was a lot of fun, and I have future plans with them to eat lunch today and also to travel to Munich on Saturday the first of October for Oktoberfest. I'm excited!

So, anyways, eventually it was just the americans and me and we were talking about our disapointments with the Studienkolleg. After thinking about how my class is, and all they were saying I decided that it would be pretty pointless for me to continue going to the Studienkolleg until February. If I had to pass the DSH test to study all my studies in Germany, that would be one thing and I would continue w/the Studienkolleg. But since I don't have to, it is a really big waste of my time.

So, yesterday I went in and talked to Herr Wenzel, the guy in the internationl students office over here, and he gave me a list of classes I might be interested in. Some of them are okay sounding, but so far I haven't really gotten my mind set up on one or the other. The thing is that I'm unsure if my German listening skills are up to par in order to keep up w/a normal university class here that is all in German. So, I think I may check on going to one and seeing if it works.

Herr Wenzel also said that I could take some other German courses here, only ones that you have to pay for. So, i think I'm going to do that along with an English lit course and that should give me my 12 hours of classes a week that I need for NDSU to give me my money.

so, today i'm happy because i get to eat lunch w/people that are becoming my friends and also because soon (the end of october) i can take some classes that I will like better!

Monday, September 26, 2005

okay, i know they're sort of lame, but i had to do these two. note: my life is an emotional roller coaster... but, someone has to do it!

and ahh.... that's so cute... i'm a duckling! Read it, if you know me you'll know that it fits me PERFECTLY! wow, that's scary! but ducklings are totally cute aren't they? i'm so excited!

You Are 10% Boyish and 90% Girlish

Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine.
You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you.
A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down.
But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible.

You Are A: Duckling!

DucklingThe cutest of the cute, these baby ducks are often spotted in the spring following closely behind their mother. As a duckling you will grow up quickly, becoming one of the adult ducks seen commonly in ponds and streams. Playful and timid, charming and vulnerable, ducklings are nature's very definition of innocence.

You were almost a: Bunny or a Chipmunk
You are least like a: Groundhog or a SquirrelWhat Cute Animal Are You?

Saturday, September 24, 2005

a new day of...?

Today is Saturday the 24th of September. I can hardly believe that September is over already... well almost over already.

My boyfriend works all day today. Well, that's a bit of an understatement. He's worked all day, every day (yes even last weekend) for a week and a half now. Today is his last day. Which means come tomorrow he will be home with me. I realize that it is normal to work all day at least five days a week, but I'm not quite used to him being gone so much and it's a tad lonely with my schedule (or lack thereof). (especially today because he works until 6 and then is going to hang out with friends after work until who knows what time, so i'm really all alone... i could go tonight with him, but i'm not too crazy about the people he's hanging out with, so... as of now it is alone in the apartment i stay).

Which, you know, is quite ironic, since out of the two years together, until this past July, I have only spent a total of 3 months of time with him. Yes, that's right. 1 year and 9 months of our relationship was spent living five thousand miles apart. So, really I have nothing to complain about: he has only been gone day times... and i see him more now than I ever have.

The weekdays haven't been so bad, but today sucks because he is gone and I have nothing to do. i could go wander around the city... which I really don't want to do. I love to window shop.. but today i'm not in the mood to. I could go to museums or something, but I have no money at all and can't get money until Monday from the bank. So, there goes that idea as well. What does that leave? I guess a day laying in bed watching the clouds roll by.

Last night we went to Giessen to say goodbye to my friend Tiff before she leaves for Iraq. She was supposed to leave on Sunday, but now they don't know when they are leaving for sure, but definitely sometime soon. It's scary, knowing she's going there... i can't imagine how scared i would be if i were here. I'm proud, however.. because when saying goodbye we didn't cry. Last time we said goodbye, we thought that was our last goodbye and cried a this time we just said see you later and left. since my goal was not to cry, i'm proud i kept it up.

i have things i could do.. but like most, when i have lots of time to do nothing, i usually do nothing... perhaps shortly i'll make myself get up and do something. until then... it's surfing the internet i go...

Friday, September 23, 2005


stupid blogger... i updated, had to sign in to publish my entire pretty post i had written, and then blogger lost my new post... grr....

and now i don't want to rewrite it all again... so, i will update tomorrow!

have a happy day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

i got a flower!

hi! I got a flower! Actually, I got a flower on Saturday, I was just too excited about my camera to think about putting it up on here. No, it's nothing romantic...this past Sunday was "Wahl 2005" which means "Choice (aka Decision) 2005." In other words, this past Sunday was election day here in Germany. They voted for their parlaiment people. Don't ask me exactly how the German system works, but I do know that parlaiment is a big deal (as it is in any country). So, on Saturday people who were running in the elections (i think they were local people in local elections, like for mayor in the US for instance) were walking around where are shopping center is (like a strip mall, only European) and were handing out flowers. I think this is an ingenious idea... give the women flowers as a way of campaigning (or men flowers to give to their women). So, in short: even though I'm not a voter... I still got a pretty red rose. This makes me happy.

Okay, what else? Well, first of all: I know people are visiting my site (I have a counter.. and if I don't visit the site and the counter keeps counting, it means someone or some people are visiting me.. this makes me happy!)but no one is commenting... it's so sad... so, leave me a nice hello if you can when reading.. it'd make me smile!

Okay, so when I applied to come to germany, here was my original thought of how life would be:

July 9 - arrive
rest of July and August - relax, enjoy summer vacation. try not to die of near boredom.
September - start Intensive German course which is 22 hours per week, and also has film evenings, day excursions, and other such activities to get me out w/people more and to meet more people.
October - February - german courses, not as intensive, but still good for me...
March - July/beginning of August 06 - classes at Univerisity, not completely decided.

Except... when I applied I applied for the wrong German course. So instead of the 22 hour/week one I really wanted.. I got a measly "16 hour a week" (really 13 hours) course which is for people who need to pass a german proficiency test before they can start their studies at the University. So, the entire course is geared for passing this test. Except, since i'm only here a year, I don't have to take the test. So, I'm learning german, and it's helping: but not like i really expected. this is sad because i spent months looking forward to a class i can't take. On the bright side: i saved 500 Euro because of my mistake. so that's good... and why am i talking about all this now? because I just learned YESTERDAY that the course I'm in isn't just a dissapointing version of the course I WANTED.

And this just goes to prove one thing about germany: you can't get information here worth crap. Websites are misleading, offices (even government ones that are "important") are often only open for 2 hours, 2 days a week (and of course they are the hours you CAN NOT go there)...when you arrive they give you 80 pamphelets of info which all are misleading or confusing AND are only in German, so once you understand it, you realize you don't know where to go to sign up for the thing you want to do or what time it is or what day it starts...

another example: there is a champagne trying out day in Luxembourg (a country which is a short drive from here). I would like to go and get the chance to hang out w/new people and maybe meet a friend or something... but no where does it say what time the day trip is or by what day i have to apply. sadly, i'm sure i can't go because i have class.. but you'd think the time of departure and return would be ON the advertisements for it... but nope, apparantly you have to go apply to go on the trip to find out.

it's just frustrating. on the bright side, I did find out that I can take a two hour/week phonetic course during the semester which i may do since it would really help me... and i also learned who i can e-mail about taking a class in english (like British lit or something) at the Univeristy through the actual semester (which doesn't begin until almost november!) which will fill up my extra time that i have. and tomorrow i can call the zoo about volunteering there... so, things are once again... or more like, still... looking up!

but off I go to check my e-mail then clean... we're having someone over later and our dishes desperately need attention... and our room could use some attention too. have a great day everyone!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

here it is: my BRAND NEW CAMERA! yay! It is digital... it's a KonicaMinolta Dimage G600. It has 3x Optical zoom, 3x digital zoom, 6.0 megapixels, video w/sound capabilities... it's so pretty. i wanted the G530 which has only 5.3 mega pixels, but i found this one instead and i got a very good deal on it, so i splurged a little bit. it's okay, it'll last me a really long time, so it's worth the money. however: i'm not allowed to splurge anymore! :) at least not for a while. ::wink wink:: okay: just wanted to show it off! have a good day! Posted by Picasa

days go by

Hi! Well, it's been a few days since i've posted up here. There isn't much going on. Nothing really... I got to class everyday for a few hours, I come home and do nothing... I get up the next day and do the same thing.

actually, i've been kind of depressed lately. I'm having problems maknig friends, and I spend a lot of time alone since my boyfriend works between 9 and 13 hours everyday until next week. I get bored, with nothing to do for hours, days on end. The problem with this is that once you get depressed or start to get depressed from being alone so much, it is hard to pull yourself out of it. All week I have been sitting around without much to do and have not wanted to make the effort to go out and change my situation. but... the light bulb has finally gone off in my head, and i am going to try to change my situation instead of just complaining.

for starters: yesterday I bought a new camera!! (yay!) it is a KonikaMinolta Dimage G600 camera... with 6.0 Mega pixels, video capabilities (w/sound), a huge memory card (i can take 308 pictures on it) and a rechargeable batter pack. i'm definitely high tech now! i didn't buy it because i was/am depressed though: only because i really needed a new one (my old one broke.. correction: my mom's old one broke)

2: i'm going to call the zoo on monday and ask about volunteering there, so i'll maybe have something to do now.

3. i went to the zoo today. it's a nice little zoo, it only took my about 2 hours (not even) to go through it, but i think i could get some really good experience there if they accept volunteers.

4. there are other museums and stuff in town and in other towns nearby i'm going to try to visit on days i don't have anything to do.

5. i'm going to try to be more outgoing and talk to people in order to make friends. and i'm going to see about other extra curricular activities i can find to do (there aren't many until november though, and the few i know about i don't want to join).

6. i'm going to stop doing nothing and start at least practing german more online and watching tv (for lisetning comprehension) in order to get better and to prove to a stupid guy that my pronunciation may suck but that I can do german well otherwise (a guy from england told my my german accent sucks. it's not my fault i'm an american. but, i'll just try to prove him wrong.. and if that doesn't work: i'll just be good at german otherwise in order to make up for it.)

7. remember to read my bible more and that my life: my actions my thoughts, my words, my deeds, and my attitude is completely up to me, it is a choice. i need to remember to be decisive and choose positive things (like thoughts) it'll make me happier.

yeah, so i just wanted to outline my "get happier and out of this depression plan" (or slight depression.. don't worry anyone i'm nto suicidal or something.. just a little unhappy due to the way the university has worked out.. the university has disappointed me somewhat.. it isn't the way i thought it would be).

and, honestly, i wanted to brag about my cool new camera. i'll try to post a pic of it on here so the world can see.

anyway, have a good day!


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

ho hum ho hum

Well, hi. Today is Tuesday, and since I haven't written up here since Friday I thought I should.

Well, Saturday night I did in fact go out with the people i said i would. two didn't come so it turned out that just me, a guy named Chris from Missouri and a guy named Andre from Russia. We went to an Irish Pub in town, which was cool. There was live music so we listened to that for a while and talked. We talked about lots of random stuff, drinking, "keg stands" (apparantly where you hold a girl upside-down and get her to drink as much from a keg as you can... ahh.. college kids. don't worry anyone: I have never been to a "kegger" and i didn't even drink at all saturday :)Russia and lots of other things... I kept getting funny looks from the waitress, because 1. a was drinking a virgin cocktail called No Sex Please and 2. i was not drinking, only a juice cocktail.. it was yummy!!! it was cool anyways, then we went to McDonalds and got real food since the Irish Pub didn't have any, and then we just walked around for a while... it was fun and i'm glad i went.

and the cutest thing of all... fabian didn't come with me, he had been out of town for a few days, and got back really late friday night (three am) and wanted to give me a chance to meet people and make my own friends... that was sweet in itself (even though i really wanted him to come) but the cutest thing was that i got home at like 1:30 in the morning, and he was waiting up for me! :) I have a sweet guy.

Let's see, what else. I looked for clubs i can join, but none start until october, so that sucks. but, oh well. i could see about the zoo, but first of all, i have to see if they even will take a volunteer, secondly my german sucks and is in no way ready to volunteer anywhere, unless i can do it in english mostly. so... i'm thinking i will have to wait on the volunteer thing too.. at least until my german gets better, at least until october. so basically.. everything is waiting until october. which sucks, big time. i'm so tired of having nothing to do. and i'm tired of not having friends. today was my second day of my german class, and so far i haven't really talked to anyone. no one seems that friendly and i haven't felt very outgoing. so, it's my fault. i miss NDSU and being able to just climb stairs and hang out with my friends whenever I want to, 24/7. i didn't necessarily have time to regularly, but i miss knowing that when i had time or when i needed them they were all there for me. i had fun w/the guys sat. night, but since they are both (and another guy that was supposed to come) in the same course, i have a feeling they will continue to hang out and i will be more or less forgotten... i hope not, but we'll see...

so, basically, i'm bored and tired of doing nothing, like i said. i'm happy i'm here, my german is improving (and fabian and i are randomly talking in german, which is an improvement for us) and i wouldn't want to go back home...i think i've said it before: i've come here for a challenge, and i'm getting it. a part of me wants to run back to the states and NDSU where life is normal and i have my own real friends. i'm sure i'll make friends and everything.. just today i'm feeling a little down. and i'm sad too because starting tomorrow (Wednesday) through Sunday fabian works from 7 am to 8 pm. yes, in the morning to at night. and then from Sunday to the following sunday he works from 7 am to like 5 pm or something. so, once again... i will be alone with nothing to do and no one to hang out with, besides maybe Yvonne. except of course for my classes... but they don't take all day... so, yeah. i'm a little bummed. but tomorrow is another day. and it iwll be a better day.

ho hum ho hum....
has anyone ever watched Meet the Barkers on MTV? The guy on it is super sweet to his girlfriend... awwwwwwwww........ oh - and we now have Nickelodean! It's cool!

Friday, September 09, 2005

i know people!!!

Well, today I had my first German course class thing. It went well, especially since we didn't do anything... first, i got there, and sat down. i sat down next to a girl, with one space between us. on my other side was no one. this girl though was talking to another girl in another language (most of the class was talking to people they know in another language).. so i didn't say anything... then another girl came, and i thought: hey! I can talk to this girl! nope. before she sat down she started talking to the first girl in the other language. so sadly, i didn't meet anyone in my class... but, since it was only the first day, i will try to talk to people on monday!

however, this guy came in and told us that there would be a meeting for new students at 1, to go over things about saarbruecken. i though, hey - this could be helpful, its only an hour from now and i have nothing else to do, so why not? so, i went and bought the books i needed for class (it cost a whole 16 Euros) and then sat around until the meeting time came.

So, at about 1 o'clock i went and met w/the people. the leader guy was really nice, and i talked to him and another girl (the girl was like 40..) and guy for a few minutes. then a guy i met at the Einstufungstest showed up (he's also from the states) so i talked to him. so, anyways, i went to the meeting and it was helpful. i signed up for a "you and me" program where they hook up a german and a foreigner (that's so funny: now i'm the foreigner) and they can do stuff together and talk tandemly (say me in english and her/him in german) and learn the different languages together and just hang out and stuff. so, maybe i'll meet someone cool through there. afterwards, the guy from the states - Chris is his name - another guy and i talked. then this guy from Russia showed up. Then, the leader of the info meeting thing started talking with us, and another korean guy or something showed up. so, the six of us (don't ask names, the only one i know is Chris) went and had coffee. that was fun... and we decided tomorrow to meet at the Rathaus (the city hall) and go out. So, all sorts of us are going to go hang out, which is cool. me, fabian, chris, those other people whose names i don't remember, maybe another girl i met if i can get ahold of her, and another girl that one of the people thought would want to come, along with maybe another friend of mine. so yeah, lots of people, which is cool.. i have no idea what we're going to do, but at least we can hang out and do something with people.. i've spent two months doing nothing, and now i can finally do something. it's nice.

i am sad though.. my intensive language course is only about 13 hours a week, instead of 22 like they told me. maybe there is lots of outside stuff too.. but i'm sort of sad, because i was really looking forward to lots of classes.. oh well. :) I did find out though too, that I can volunteer, so i may try to volunteer at the zoo (which would be totally, completely cool) or someplace else.. or maybe i will join a campus group and do stuff with them (for instance, a tennis club). so, i'm excited because there seems to be lots of possibilities to get together with people and meet people and visit them.. though i think most don't start until october-ish since that is when the normal university starts here. but, ah well.. at least i can maybe start volunteering soon. i should call the zoo.

anyways, i think i'm going to go check out things online... i will talk to you all later!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

a haircut is a simple thing...

so.. while i was on vacation w/my boyfriend's band, a lady who was there highlighted my hair. She put blonde highlights in it but unfortunately it didn't turn out the best. The color didn't go on my entire hair, about an inch from my head the color finally started. And in some spots I had bright blonde patches, that didn't look so good. So, yesterday I went to a salon and got my hair done. Really, a haircut is a simple thing...

First, I had to call there. Well, the guy didn't speak English, so I got my point across that I needed a "Termin" (or appointment). He asked if I needed color or highlights, and I got across that I wasn't sure. I had had a problem w/home highlighting and wanted it fixed. Okay, he asked me if I could go in that same day. I said yes and my appointment was set for viertal vor drei (quarter to three). When I told him my name, I forgot that most people give last names here, and gave my first name. When I spelled it to him, using the german alphabet naturally, he misunderstood me. So instead of M-E-L-I-N-D-A my name became
M-E-R-I-N-D-A. Merinda is such a nice name.

So, We go grocery shopping before I leave. We run longer than expected and I end up going a little later than wanted. So, I take the Saarbahn (street train) to Bahnhofstrasse, where the salon was, and start walking. The place was at 101 Bahnhofstrasse, and I was at 40. So I walk, and walk, and finally find a building that says 101. In Germany, most buildings (if not all) are at least 3 or 4 stories high (if not 5 or 6). In some buildings, each floor if full of different offices or places. For instance, when I went to the doctor the other day, the doctor's office was on the 2nd floor, and was just a small practice. Most people have their own small practices. So I walk in, and look at the list of what is in this building. I don't see the salon anywhere. So, I think, "well, maybe its just not listed" so I walk all the way up to the 7th floor on a day when it is really hot outside, and in because Germany doesn't have airconditioning for their buildings really ever. Only a couple do. That's why when Germans go to america in the summer sometimes they get sick from all the ac. Finally realizing that the salon is not there, i go back down to the street and walk further on. Then I found it. Apparantly there are two different 101s on Bahnhofstrasse. (by the way Bahnhofstrasse is train station street.. though it sounds better in german).

so, i go in, about 15 minutes late... and tell the girl I have an appointment. she doesn't understand me. at all. i know i said it right, so i say it again, and give her my name. except she doesn't find it really.. then i point it out to her, and she looks at her clock and then looks annoyed at me. hey, its not my fault there are two 101s. so, I go and sit down. She asks if I want something to drink (that was cool) so I had the hated Mineral Water (club soda). It's extremely gross, but I wanted water, and when you order or ask for water here, you get mineral water. so i drank it anyways, and i didn't die from it. i've never got offered something to drink before. so then they gave me books to look at w/hair ideas, and i did. and then i waited a little while. then she came, and asked what i wanted. i told her that i wanted my highlights to be fixed, somehow. she said okay, light or dark? and asked her opinion... and she said light. since i was open to either i decided to stick to light and then we talked about how to cut my hair. i said i wanted it to stay long,w/lots of layers (except i didn't know the word for layers, so i just pointed to a picture.. she got the idea). and i told her too that I wanted to look more modern. so.. she said okay, and started cutting.

now.. this is a somewhat scary situation. you're at the hair salon, you can't get your exact thoughts across, because you don't know the words for getting your hair cut since i didn't look them up and i forgot my dictionary. as far as you know no one speaks english. so, you just sit and hope and pray that the lady knows what she is doing. so i sat. and then a large, at least 6 inch peice of my hair fell to the ground! i was like, wait.. what? didn't I say long? so, breathing I decide to not say anything, to just trust the lady, after all she does this everyday, and to try something new. So, I sat in silence as she cut my hair...

Finally the hair cut was done. I said that I liked it.. which was mostly the truth. It looks good, it is just really different than it has ever been, so I'm still getting used to it, and haven't decided if I love it or not... but the boyfriend says it looks really good on me,a nd i think it looks good too. anyways... so then came the color. she asked if i wanted it to look natural, and i said i did, so she added blond and brown (my natural brown color) highlights. that took forever. first, i had to wait forever for her to start highlighting, (she disappeared for a while) then i had to wait while she did it. then i had to wait while it sat. then we rinsed it out and washed my hair, then i had to wait for some other girl to dry my hair. then i had to wait for the first girl to come back and put stuff in my hair and ask how i like it. i said it was good. she said it was very different from before.. i said, yeah.

so then i came home, feeling totally wierd: a little more modern, up to date, and more elegant i guess you could say. so i walked in, scared and nervous of my boyfriends reaction... and he liked it. and i caught him looking at me later and he told me three or four different times that it looks good on me.

so... really, getting a haircut is a simple thing... unless you don't know the language well enough, at least not in the hair cut section of life... its one thing to get along well in other areas, but certain areas are just like, "what?" hopefully next time the hair experience will go a little better.

and.. now i'm sure you all want to know how it looks. well, sorry to say, my camera is broken, so i can't take any pics. i did however order a new one, so as soon as it arrives i will take a pic and put it up and you can all see!

well, today i find out how i did on my placement exam. i'm nervous.. and anxious.. but i better go eat some grub and get some stuff done before i go. fabian also leaves tonight to go see a friend graduate from the military. i'm not going, so i will have an evening to myself...i'd rather him be here, because i like spending time with him, but i'm also looking forward to it a little bit.. i've been here 2 months today. and tomorrow i start my class... yay! finally, I'll have a class!

anyways, have a good day everyone! and don't forget to appreciate the little things in life which become big ordeals when you're in another country w/another language!

Monday, September 05, 2005

mommy wow....i'm a big kid now!

Okay.. so, today i did more things all by myself (hence the Pamper's theme song title... if you're not from the US and don't know what I'm talking about, its okay, it's unimportant). First of all.. I contacted the Post Office by myself and learned that my lost package from my mom.. is lost and they can't help me to find it. which sucks. so to anyone sending me a package: USE FABIAN'S NAME NOT MINE!! or else I'll never get it... Suzie, if you're reading, yes I know I still have to get you my address! :)

okay.. so w/the post office, i spoke english, but that's okay. Some medicine I needed was in my lost package, so i had to get new medicine from germany. i called three different places and people, and each time i spoke to them in germany, and got my point across. then i went and found the doc's office all by myself, filled out paperwork all by myself and talked to a doc all by myself. then i went to the Apotheke (pharmacy) and got my meds all by myself, and stuff to remove my icky wart (no, not like the ones on a witch's nose, just a little one)... all by myself...

so you see.. i'm doing things all by myself, and mostly in german even. oh, and i also talked to my health insurance people... all by myself. in german. i'm very proud of myself..

now, if only i could get rid of my dizzy spells... sadly, they seem to have struck me again... it sucks. but, this time i didn't get tipsy at all... this time i'm not sure what caused them. oh well, what's a girl to do?

ps to my family: no worries, other than my dizzy spell problem (which is normal for me) i'm as healthy as a horse. or is it as fit as a horse? i don't know.. but right now I do know.. i'm so hungry I could eat a horse...

off i go.. have a good day everyone!!! :) :):)

okay, so i got a question from someone. they asked me, what a smore is. I decided to give a picture, because with a pictures, my explanation might just be completely confusing... first, you take a marshmellow (or two or three or four, number doesn't matter). You roast it slightly (usually over a campfire, but over a gas stove works too i think). you spread chocolate (either use a peice of chocolate or chocolate frosting if you are in the States or someplace you can get some) on part of a graham cracker, then stick the roasted marshmellows on top. lastly stick the other graham cracker on top, and you now have a beautifully yummy smore. it's entirely american.. and very good... everyone should have one at least once... Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 02, 2005

A slight retraction...

okay.. well, at least I hope retraction is the right word. Praveen (thank you praveen - i'm so happy someone is finally reading and commenting! :), a friend of mine from NDSU, wrote to me and told me that Bush isn't superman and that I should have a little bit of a heart... so I want to make a slight retraction on what I said in my "rant" blog...

I know president bush isn't superman... it just seems to me like more could be done for those people in Louisianna. Maybe all the anti-american stuff over here is seeping into my brain, but I think the United States Government should be able to help it's own people when they are in need. I do believe that he is a good man and that he has done a good job overall where our country is concerned (except maybe Iraq, but that's another discussion completely, one I don't want to go into... okay, well, just to clarify - i feel we probably shouldn't have gone in the first place, but now that we are there, i just want us to get out so our troops can come home). I think Bush did a good job with 9/11, at least with the information I was given and I know.. and there are probably things I don't realize going on with the Hurricane Situation that I don't know about, however I am still upset that more isn't being done.

see Praveen - I do have a heart! :) okay, so I knwo I didn't have to answer your comment and say stuff about that, but I just wanted to clarify to you and everyone else... that's all!

and another thing too - I miss all my friends at NDSU so much.. and all my friends from Monti too... I have some friends over here.. but they aren't the same as you guys and the other day i actually cried a little because i missed you all so much! I truly understand you praveen when you said that when you're with your boyfriend you miss your friends, and when with your friends you miss your boyfriend...(and family of course!)

and my boyfriend just scared the beejeebies out of me. he was at work, and i'm sitting in our room, no lights on in the apartment at all (it attracts bugs and i like to ruin my eyes ;) isn't it fun?) and he snuck into the apartment, really quietly. I thought I heard a click of the door opening but disregarded it since I didn't hear any other noises.. so I'm sitting here clicking away on my online journal and all of the sudden i see a figure and hear a loud "BAAAAAA" sound (like someone yelling to scare you)... I screamed soooo loud.. and then I started crying, it really scared me.... oh wow.. i don't remember being so scared in my entire life...

anyways, i'm gonna go now...

a rant

good morning. it is eight in the morning, and though i am usually a nice, easy going person, i have something that I want to complain about on here. It's this guy we know called President Bush and all the stupid people in the government.

as I'm sure you all know, anarchy is basically the name of the game in New Orleans. i feel terrible for those victims. My heart goes out to them. My heart does not go out to the government however. What I want to know, is what has the government been doing? There are thousands of people in the big dome down there... where's the military? Where are the police, the food, the water? People are dying down there and our stupid government is sitting on its butt. I saw president Bush's speech. He says they are working as fast as they can, to help those people. But are they? I mean, it's been what, three or four days and those people are still starving down there. No wonder people are looting and fighting. Everyone's trying to survive,and when no one knows when help is going to arrive, who can blame them? Honestly, if it meant living or dying.. eating or not eating, i would loot too.

Our government is supposed to protect its people. Our government is supposed to help those in need, and look out for us. No, it could not protect anyone from Hurricane Katrina. However, they could protect the victims now that it's over. Send in as many national guard and military men as needed to the dome. Enforce law and order. Get those people food, get them water. Is it really that difficult? Take those dead bodies away from the area... move them to another building only if you have to.. but at least get them out of the dome and try to stop any disease or anything spreading because of them. Our president handled 9/11 well... and he can't handle this?

Okay, I'm done ranting.. It just really angers me, that our government, the "Great United States of America" seems to be doing absolutely nothing for these people. We can help Sunami victims, and victims in countless other countries.. but we can't even take care of our own people? Are we really that great over all?

Okay, now.. on to the test. It was incredibly.. interesting yesterday. I got to the building, saw a long line of foreign looking people, mostly about my age, all holding passports from random countries, and I thought.. hmmm this must be where I am supposed to be. I ended up talking to a guy in front of me who is from MIssouri.. he was cool, and we hung out during the test. The poor guy has been here two weeks with almost no one to talk to at all, since no one else is really here yet and he doesn't know anyone. anyways.. there were three sections: Grammer, Reading and Listening.

The Grammar section was fill in the blank. Only the topic was energy, and they used random, obscure words that I didn't know so for me, and all the other people I talked to, it was extremely difficult. I pretty much botched the entire section. Then there was reading. That went well. I understood most of the text and I think I did decent on it. Then there was listening. That too seemed pretty easy, overall, and I thik i did okay. So, with luck I made it above the beginners level of german, but we'll see next thursday when I get the results.

I also met a girl from Romania, California, talked to a girl from Spain and I think another who was from Egypt or somewhere. I really actually enjoyed meeting new people... I love my boyfriend and his friends, but at the same time I want to make my own friends as well, and I think i am going to be able to do that when classes start next friday.

but that's all for now.. i'm going to sign off and go back to sleep i think. thanks for letting me rant and rave... the situation just makes me angry and makes me lose faith in our goveernments capabilities.
its sad...

Thursday, September 01, 2005

i'm so nervous

good morning. it is ten after seven on the first of september (wow... its september already!!) i take my einstufungstest today. for those of you who don't remember that is the placement test i have to take for the university to get put into the right intensive german course. and.. well.. i'm so nervous!!!!

that's all. i just wanted to share that i'm extremeley nervous.... sigh... i'll be glad when its over.