Monday, October 31, 2005


Happy Halloween!!!!

Over here in Germany, Halloween isn't such a big deal. No one goes trick-or-treating, but a lot of people do use it as an excuse to go to large halloween parties. Considering that November 1 is a holiday in Germany (All Saints Day, I think), people can party all night and have the entire next day to sleep in. This is a wonderful idea, and I hereby declare that November 1 should be a holiday in the States as well. Now.. all we have to do is get congress to approve.

My Halloween festivities began this past Saturday night. There is an American airbase (called Rammstein Airbase, for those curious) which is not too far from Saarbruecken. Each year they put on a huge haunted hause for both the Americans on base (though most of those enlisted have to work there) and for any Germans who wish to come. Haunted hauses aren't common in Germany, and only ever do happen at Halloween time, so the wait to get in lasts about five hours. Yep.. people wait for five hours to go to a haunted house. A quite good one. We didn't have to wait though. A friend of Fabian has a dad, and the dad works at the airbase (about 10,000 Germans work at the airbase alone. It is the central airbase for the US in Europe). Therefore, we can get in past the gate where only relatives/employees can get, and can budge in line. We even got saluted by the German army personel who guard the gate and got to eat free food afterwards.

When we went, it was Fabian's friend, Fabian and I.. Sadly, I was the only girl. There's something about going to a haunted house with other girls who get scared... it just makes the experience more frightening (and therefore much better). We went through, and it was pretty good. Fabian refrained from scaring me (though he much wanted to help with the scaring process) and I got in several high pitched screams. All in all a wonderful evening.

Tonight, Fabian is going back with the same friend and some other people to the haunted house. I had the option of going today or this past saturday, and I chose this past saturday. Tonight they'll go through again, and maybe help out there as well. I, on the other hand, am going to go to a three floor halloween party (I think, anyways) at our local Castle here in Saarbruecken with Kelleen, and some other people. It should be tons of fun.... Happy Haunting!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Week Three

So, I realized that I forgot to put up a thing saying how my THIRD WEEK of excercising regularly went. Here's the rundown of last week:

Sunday - 5 minutes jogging/10 minutes walking
Monday - Karate Practice, 1.5 Hours (including a cardio warm-up, and strength building cool down)
Tuesday - rest day, no excercising
Wednesday - 5 minutes jogging/10 minutes walking
Thursday - Karate Practice for 1.5 hours again.
Friday - Yoga, 2 hours.
Saturday - rest day, no excercising.

So, there you have it. I only went jogging on my own twice this past week, since I did so much other types of excercising as well. I considered my Thursday cardio warm up for Karate as my third jogging day, since the cardio warm up is more work than my fifteen minute jogs. I must say though, that I did miss the third day. Though I never want to go, when I do I feel very relaxed and happier.

Karate went well.. but I already explained that previously. Let's move on to Yoga. Let's start at the beginning. As always, no matter how hard I try, I was late (bad habit of mine). Only by a few minutes though and everyone else was later than me (except two three others) so that wasn't so bad. I got myself a mat and sat down. He asked as we started whether anyone has language problems and I said that I can understand most things but that German isn't my native language. So, we started. One of the first things we did was sit cross legged, with our hands put together in a prayer form and go "Oooohhhmmmm." Just like people make fun of all the time. I felt sort of... funny. Ridiculous actually. I didn't laugh though. I think that whole thing is made fun of so much that it is hard for me to take too seriously.

Then we went on to otherstuff. I won't bore you with the details but let me just say that Yoga is hard. It looks hard, but it is harder than it looks. Afterwards my entire body hurt. But, I felt like I had more energy. Like I said: I'm not sure I like it.. but I also don't hate it. Since I paid for it I will stick with it this semester and see. Maybe I will start to love it... at the very least my entire body will get stronger.

In other news, I had another new class this past friday. Einfuehrung in die Philosophie (Introduction to Philosphy). The class was overflowing with people. So many people that some people couldn't even get into the doorway. The instrustor is an older guy, and therefore easier to understand because he talks slower. That was nice. I talked to some German students in the class and one said she didn't understand him. That made me feel better because I think I at least got the main points....The class meets sort of sporadically over the next several months, so I think it will be a good class for me.

I got the results of my Einstufungstest which I took last monday. They have us split into groups A through H. Group A is the hardest group and group H is the easiest. I made it into group C. However another class I am taking with the same people meets on the same day as Group C. So, I talked to an instructor and we decided that the only really possible way to fix the problem is to move me into group A, since group B meets the same day that I have a problem on and group D would be too easy. So, Starting this next week I am in the hardest language class they offer... hopefully it'll go well!

And, I think that is it. I haven't posted too regularly this week... i apologize for that. The weather has been gorgeous here.. it feeels like Spring. Sadly though it is becoming winter... and daylights saving was last night, so now it will get darker an hour earlier. It's sad. But with winter comes christmas, so all is well!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

I'm exhausted. Completely, and totally exhausted. I could lay down right now, sleep and not wake up until at least six in the morning. Why am I so tired?

Well, for starters, I left home at about twenty after ten this morning and didn't get back until about eight o'clock pm. Which, is a really long day for me. Usually I leave for, maybe, five hours at a time on a normal day.

Okay, so after we took care of recyclying this morning, we drove around looking at leaves before I had to be at the University. They are soooo pretty. The leaves here, are just now at their peak. Everywhere you look you can see beautiful trees!

That's the great thing about this city. I hope I can live in a city like this eventually. There are mountains (or really really big hills) surrounding the city. They are covered in trees. Not only that, but you can be in the middle of the city and in the middle of a forest all at the same exact time. It is my dream city: beautiful mountains, lots of green trees... absolutely wonderful. Don't worry family: i'm sure I can find a similar city somewhere in the states. I wish you could all see it here. It's gorgeous.

Then I went to the Uni, and had a two hour "Vorlesung" (which is a lecture). That went okay. It is an interesting class... I just have to work a bit harder to comprehend it, is all.

After that, I ate lunch for about half an hour, then had Karate again. It went well. We learned some more stuff, I got a chance to talk to that Kristine girl again... and had lots of fun.

Then, I had a couple hour break, and eventually had to take yet another Einstufungstest (aka placement test). This was for my grammar course which starts next week. It didn't go so bad. Hopefully I did well. We'll see on Monday....

and then i went and found out about some books i need for class. and now i'm home. i'm exhausted. it was a long day... and i'm happy it's done. except that now i want to start reading a thing that i need to read by monday. so, off i go!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Seven Things

So, I got tagged by Amy to do this. She is a super cute, new mom of twins. I read her blog regularly... if you want to read her cute stories about her babies, check out her blog:! Here is my list of seven. Enjoy!

7 Things I want to do before I die:
1. Finish college and perhaps Grad school, if I so choose to go to grad school that is.
2. Get a job that I absolutely love.
3. Get married.
4. Have a family.
5. Make a difference in other people's lives.
6. Travel more, and definitely go to Australia.
7. Speak German fluently.

7 Things I cannot do:
1. Have a big (or even somewhat big) emotion without crying.
2. Cook.
3. Hurt other people without feeling bad.
4. Like seafood. (except Popcorn Shrimp.. i like popcorn shrimp!)
5. Shoot a gun.
6. Stare someone in the eyes without feeling a little nervous (my boyfriend included).
7. Finish a craft project that I started.

7 Things that attract me to the Opposite Sex:
1. A sense of humour.. generally sarcastic in nature.
2. Dark hair.
3. Gorgeous eyes.
4. Openness to try anything.
5. Generally good facial features.
6. Intelligence.
7. Personal Happiness.

7 Things I say most often:
1. What did you say? or Was hast du gesagt?
2. I love you. (to boyfriend) or Ich liebe dich.
3. What? or Was?
4. Totally. (i.e. "That is totally cool")
5. I'm so blonde/dumb.
6. Why? or Warum? or Wieso?
7. What does (insert german word here) mean? or Was bedeutet (insert german word here)?

7 Celebrity Crushes:
1. Christian Bale
2. Josh Hartnett
3. Brad Pitt
4. Ben Affleck
5. Julia Stiles (no, I'm not a lesbian.. she's just a good actress)
6. Keira Knightley (once again: she's just a good actress)
7. George Clooney (a bit too old, but sexy for an old guy :)

7 People I want to do this:
1. K.C. (do you have a blog? If you do you need to send me the link or leave it on a comment!)
2. Praveen
3. Suzie
4. Danielle
(i know i need seven, but I don't know 7 people with a blog... at least not seven people who i could actually have do this)

there you go! hope you enjoyed!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Mondays ROCK!

well, another day, more new stuff. This morning, at 8:15 I had 19th Century Novels. That was fun. I actually understood everything. i didn't have to concentrate to make out only 5% of the lecture.. I know that the lectures will go easier and easier as time goes on. But this morning was a nice break. A nice way for me to remember: hey! I can do this...

Then, i ate lunch, by myself because I couldn't find anyone to eat with. Well, considering I don't know many people, I didn't get many options. After lunch, I searched and searched and finally found the building where my Karate class is. So, today, I started Karate.

Wow. karate is lots of work. we jogged and did cardiovascular excercise, then we did stretching, then we learned how to get away from people holding you (like thieves). LOOK OUT WORLD! I'm learning Karate... he he he. And at the end we did some muscle training excercises. ow. i really will be in shape.

I met some nice people too while there. I told the same thing over and over again. Here's a typical conversation:

OP (Other Person): Hi, I'm So-and-so.
Me: Hi, I'm Mindy.
OP: What are you studying?
ME: Biology but I am only here for a year, therefore I am actually studying whatever I want.
OP: Where are you from?
ME: America
ME: what are you studying?
OP: blah-blah
ME: how long have you been studying for (what year are you)?
OP: various time amounts...

and, then we would typically practice the technique we are supposed too. Ah, but I did talk after class to a nice girl named Kristine (like Christina in english). She is 19 and just started her studies. Her little sister is going to study in the states for half a year or something, so we talked about that, and learning languages. On Thursday I am doing Karate again. I'm excited. I hope it goes good.

And, now I'm home. The funny thing is that I at around noon, only four hours ago, but due to all the excercise I did this afternoon at Karate, I feel as if I haven't eaten for days.

Ahh.. I'm so happy that things have finally started around here! I know, I say it during like, every blog I write.. but, seriously... i'm so happy.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

(future) Mother-in-laws are tough

Ellen. Fabian's mom. My future mother-in-law. The person who pays the rent. Yes, for those of you who didn't know my boyfriend and I live with his mom. Right now, it just is better for us financially, and it helps her out too. Ellen owns her own business. She is the owner of a medical testing company. She has about 25 employees, I think and the company is located at the University here in Saarbruecken. The business isn't doing wonderfully but they aren't dying yet. Because she is the boss, she does a lot of traveling all over the place for various meetings. That means for the past few weeks (and the upcoming few weeks) she spends about a week away for business, is back for a day or a night and then is gone again. This, I find very nice.

Last night, she got home in the late evening, about nine. Now, Fabian and I admit that we aren't the best housekeepers. We don't vacuum everyday and our room is quite a mess. However, we always clean up after ourselves, do the dishes, do our own laundry and do everything she asks of us. This means that while the apartment needs desperately to be vacuumed, it doesn't look bad. There isn't trash on the floor, there aren't piles of clothes, there aren't more than three dirty dishes on the counter.... the apartment looks quite nice, actually. However, this morning, when we got up, we found money for groceries and a note on the table. The money was nice... even though just for the record most of the groceries we actually buy by ourselves. However, on the note there was a whole list of things we have to do. First, clean the apartment. Here is what I don't understand. The apartment, while not perfect, isn't dirty. She constantly tells us to clean the apartment... she even called us this morning to remind us (as if a note isn't enough) that we need to clean the apartment, that she's spent a lot of money making it look nice, and that we shouldn't have to look like homeless people.

Homeless people? I mean, I realize we need to vacuum.. but homeless people? Does she really know how homeless people live? Does she realize that homeless people, for starters, don't have a home... and that on a scale of 1 to 10 of messiness, (10 being so messy you can't walk through the apartment) our apartment is a 3, at the MOST? I'm suddenly afraid for this woman to ever see a really messy place.. she'd pass out I think.

the other part that is frustrating is the fact that she rarely cleans. it is like we are her slaves... or at least her personal maid service. She hardly ever cleans up after herself, either. She left cups and a water pitcher in the living room for over a week before she brought them to the kitchen. And, she once yelled at us for not putting one little cup in the dishwasher? Every couple of days I take two to three dirty coffee mugs from the table to put into the dishwasher, even though we have to put our dirty dishes in the dishwasher immediately.... does this not make sense to anyone else? Even this morning: case in point. On her note, "clean the aparment" but in the living room.. she couldn't even take thirty seconds to putthe ironing board and the iron away. hello?

Okay, now.. let's clarify one thing. I like Ellen. I really really do. We have a lot of the same interests, and I can talk to her for quite a while and enjoy every moment. I would just like her more if she didn't yell at us and then not do the things she tells us we always have to do. I understand that she is really busy, and that Fabian and I together have more time than she does for cleaning and such... but she isn't so busy that she can't vacuum or at least take her dishes to the kitchen when she is done with them. And, I don't mind helping.. after all I don't have to pay rent or anything... so I'm sort of earning my rent... but, the situation can be a bit frustrating. Oh.. and she never yells at me. Only at Fabian, who of course tells me....

ahhh.. mother-in-laws are tough. even though, technically, she isn't my mother-in-law.... it's still tough...

but, on a happier note.. I went jogging again today: beginning of week three.. and I start Karate tomorrow, and Yoga on Friday. I've been happier these past few weeks since I have started jogging, and I'm super excited that I'm getting into shape. I already feel better about myself. Oh, and the other day: Tiffany called me! Yep: Tiffany who is now in Iraq! She is doing well, all things considered. They start doing the missions on Monday or so, when the company they are replacing leaves. It's really hot there, like 115 daily. The day after she talked to me it was supposed to be around 90. she was excited, because that is COOL. Wow. I miss her, and I hope she will be okay. I just have to trust God. I have to write her soon! Okay. I'm done now, I promise...

i love my life...

Friday, October 21, 2005

Week 2

Well, I did it. I just completed week two of jogging. Ug, it is sooo much work. I'm so out of shape. Ahh, but there is a positive side.. here's how it breaks down so far:

Week 1, Day 1 - 5 minutes jogging/10 min walking
Week 1, Day 2 - 4 min jogging/11 min walking
Week 1, Day 3 - 4 min jogging/11 min walking
Week 2, Day 1 & 2 - 4 min jogging/11 min walking
Week 2, Day 3 - 5 min jogging/10 min walking

Do you see? The first day, I was fresh and new to the whole thing, so I had a little extra energy (and will power?) and made it five whole minutes. Then, my body said to me, "you can't do that much... we are not used to excercising every other day!" so I went down to only four minutes.... but today.. Today I went up to 5 again!!! Yay! I'm extremely tired and have no energy at the moment, but I am proud of myself.

A verse in Proverbs that I read today says to be diligent in everything you do because it builds strength and character. My new goal: to be diligent in everything I do. That means in reading my Bible, doing my homework, doing things around the house (like laundry..) even when I don't want to... and being diligent mentally as well. I pray it goes well.

It was nice this morning. I read my Bible before jogging, and got the entire quiet time to think about what I read. Very relaxing. I feel ready to take on my day.

And, the last thing.. I had my second day of class yesterday. The first day I understood about 5% of what the guy talked about. The second day (yesterday) I understood about 50% of what was said. Yay! It's getting better!

This second class is "Geschichte des christlichen Gottesdienstes." Which means, History of christian Church. SO, basically I'm learning all about church and what started when, etc. It's really interesting actually. A little hard because all of the names I'm used to for the books of the bible are now in German, as well as any verses we talk about (Yes - I get to bring my Bible to class!) but, that's okay. It's interesting.

And today, I have Intro to Philosophy. Hopefully it'll go well. We'll see. Then tonight I have a ticket to go to the Oktoberfest they're having on campus, to celebrate opening of the semester. I'm excited. :) Life is looking up so much!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


The Wintersemester here in Germany started up this past Monday. Finally. While, everyone back home is having midterms.. I just had my first day of class. I only had one class however. History of East and West Germany. Let's just say it didn't go so well.

I got to the University and found the room just fine. I got there about 10 minutes to 11, which was perfect since the class began at 11. I took a seat, calmed my nerves (which were going crazy) and took out my pen and paper. I was completely ready to cram my head full of knowledge. At about 11:15 the class hadn't started yet, and every single seat in the auditorium like room was taken. This would have been okay, except that people were still coming. When the class started about five minutes later, peopel were crawling over eachother carefully in order to find a place on the steps or in the back to sit or stand. I made amental note to always get to class early.

Class begins. The teacher is a middle-aged man named Hudemann. He seems nice enough, and even cracks a few jokes. I only get them because everyone else laughs. Otherwise I wouldn't have known there were jokes. He brings up an outline for the day, and I start to copy it down. Even though this is a history of East and West Germany, we spent our 2 hour class period talking about Saarland, the state I live in. I'm pretty sure we talked about how they could choose which country to be part of after World War Two. I'm not 100% sure though, because during the entire lecture, I only understood about 5% of what he said.

During the first hour, even though I really didn't know what was going on, I copied the notes, tried to understand the guy, and kept telling myself to just hang in there. By the end of the class period, I had pretty much given up trying to comprehend the guy, and was just waiting for the class to be over. Apparantly, my listening comprehension needs some work.

After class I went to see my friend Kelleen. She said, "Well, look at it this way. You just are diving head first into the language." Yep. That fits. Today I went diving. It may have been 3 months after my arrival in Germany... but it was still quite difficult.

For all those times I complained about my college or high school courses being "so hard" and for all the times I thought I'd die because I hadn't studied for a test.... I'm sorry. Can I take it all back? At least then it was all in a language I understood well. Now, my goal is to just understand the language... and I have two more normal classes this week still!

On the bright side, in Germany we only have one test at the very end. That means, I have until February to figure this all out.

Okay, here is me on close up, so you can see my hair a little bit beter.. yeah, like i said, this is a typical day. my hair is really different than you all remember, i'm sure. Let me know what you think of it! :) Posted by Picasa

Hi guys. Well, I got a new haircut, and some new clothes since I've been in Germany. here is me on a typical day... today is my first day of real University courses... I even have makeup on!  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Have you ever had a revelation? Not a revelation in the Biblical sort of way, but a revelation of thoughts? A moment, when a thought comes to you, and it just makes so much sense, and hits home, that it changes your entire outlook on life? Well, I had one such moment, yesterday.

It was a thought that has occured to me before. One that I used to know, but I lost sometime in the past couple of years. When I came to Germany, I knew that I could change myself into the person I wanted to be. This is my clean slate year, when I can become the type of person I want to become. The only problem was, I didn't know what type of person that was going to be. All I knew is that I wanted to get settled here, and make some good friends. Well, I haven't made any good friends. Acquantences, yes. People who are becoming better friends, yes. But, not any really, truly, best friend types of people.

While I haven't specifically changed myself to make people like me here, I have thought about it. The people that I have talked to, and become friends with, all are typical 20-something year olds. They all like to go to Clubs, and Bars. Not to necessarily get drunk.. though this is the case with a few of the people. I am not this type of person. Sure, I'll go to a club or a bar, but I won't get drunk and I probably won't dance much at the club, and I prefer if the people I'm with don't get drunk either. It's just who I am.

So, what was my revelation? My revelation was that I am a really big GEEK, and that THAT IS OKAY! That I don't have to change who I am just to make friends. That I'd rather have no friends and be me, then have thousands and be someone I don't even recognize. I was talking to my friend Kelline the other day about things I really like doing, and in the midst of talking I realized that I'm a geek. Seriously. Here are the things I love to do:

1. Read my Bible (i've forgotten this lately, but I'm remember lately how nice it is to read it)

2. Decorate my future house/apartment I don't have, in my head.... i can spend hours looking through the home section of a store or a catalog and think about how I would decorate the house I'll have someday, for instance. I also like to day dream about a pretty garden in my yard, too.

3. Surf the Internet. I love to Surf the internet. I've spent many hours here in Germany occupying myself by surfing the internet. Looking up things on running, reading other people's blogs, whatever... it's quite addicting, and informing..

4. Playing Online Games. I know some of you know what I'm talking about. When you have nothing you have to do, or nothing you want to do, it's quite addicting to play a game online, for hours. For instance, I am addicted right now to Chess and Cribbage online.

5. Read - i could spend hours, DAYS, reading a book. I love reading. When I've had a bad day, I get lost in a book (or in a tv show) and get absorbed into their problems, because it makes mine seem not so bad. It cheers me if I'm lonely, or upset as well... it lets me escape for a while, and clear my head, which allows me to attack life or my problem with a fresh look.

6. House work - okay, so I don't LIKE doing housework, really, but I've noticed lately, that when I do it, and I make the apartment look really nice, I feel a sense of accomplishment and it makes me happy. I now can understand how parents do all that housework stuff that I've always hated doing. How they do not mind weeding the garden, or mopping the floor. While, it's not fun to do... there's a nice feeling when you make a place look good.

that's all I can think of at the moment.. but those things are sort of geeky things. We joked yesterday, that since school is starting, maybe i won't be so geeky because i'll have more to do. But, after she left, I realized, I don't WANT to change myself. Yes, those things are geeky. But, when I think about it, I think I'm just growing up a little, and I've always been a little geeky. I always will be. But the world needs us geeks... so I won't be trying to change myself anymore. And when I do, I'll remember that there is nothing wrong with being me... that my boyfriend fell in love with me when i was a geek, and still loves me now.. that God loves me just as I am.. and that I love me (along with lots of other people) geekiness and all... if that's the case.. then WHY SHOULD I CHANGE JUST SO THAT I CAN MAKE A FEW FRIENDS HERE? if they don't like me for who I am... then they can go make other friends.

so.. that's my revelation.. and you know what? Today, I feel like a huge weight is off of my shoulders. I've prayed and read my Bible two days in a row, and I've realized I can just be happy with myself. Life is wonderful.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Help Me Rhonda

Ahh, sunday mornings... sitting in front two computers, listening to classic Beach Boys Hits such as "Help Me Rhonda" and "Wouldn't it be Nice?" and don't forget "Bobaran" on one... and trying to figure what the heck is wrong with the other... singing off key to the music, because I can, knowing that it is a beautiful sunny day AGAIN.. for like the 8 or 9th day in a row (ahh, sunshine), wishing it could stay sunny all winter, instead of staying cloudy as it always does in Germany in the winter... putting off the idea that I am supposed to go jogging later and ignoring that my cereal this morning tasted like onions for some reason... being told by an online diagnostic tool thing (Game Advisor (do it here) that 82% of the systems they scan are BETTER than mine...

ahh... sunday mornings!

today is a good day, I can feel it! :)

Friday, October 14, 2005

Word Verification

I finally have had enough with stupid spammers leaving comments on my site. it is quite frustrating, to see you have four new comments, get all excited, and then realize that they're only spammers. i would make my comments a members only thing, but i want feed back from the people who don't necessarily want to join BLOGGER just to leave me a comment...

however, I have turned on Word Verification. So, from now on, you have to type in some letters that they tell you, in order to post a comment. i know it's a pain, but the number of spammers keeps increasing ever so slowly and i want to stop them before they get out of control.

just thought i'd let you all know!


I have WONDERFUL NEWS! I just posted, but I decided that this needed it's very OWN post, because it's so great.

Are you ready?

Can you handle it..?





That means, that I am now offically allowed to stay in Germany. As of right now, I can only stay until the 30 of June, which is bad since my classes go until the 21st of July, but that was a mistake on the part of the people in the office, and the school just told me not to worry about it because the school will take care of it for me!

I'm SOO HAPPY! I can STAY! Okay, there was little chance they wouldn't give me a visa, but it's still happy news.

So, to sum it up.. after a little help from the trusty International Students Office at the University, I will be able to stay until August. Family: I'm still hoping to come home in the first or second week of August.. just so you know. I know it's tight w/the NDSU school year, but after the Summer semester we want to go to Spain for a few weeks to see his Grandma, before I go back.

When I think about it, it really isn't that long before August will be here.. Time flies so fast.. I better start speaking more German!

Anyways.. I'm very GLAD! :)

A Goal Reached

So, my goal this week was to go jogging three times. Well, guess what: I DID IT! I went jogging three times this week. I went last Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Each time I jogged for about 1.50 - 3 minutes, then walked for about 2 minutes, and then jogged again and so on. This may not seem like much at all, but when you are in horrible shape like I am, then it is a lot. I may be skinny (though I have fat too.. just so you all know) but that doesn't mean I'm in good shape, becaus I'm not. But hopefully I will stick with my jogging and will get into better shape. If I make it the next few weeks I'm going to reward myself with some new/better jogging clothes. But, I got past week one.. and that is the most important thing!

Also, as of now I am done with Studienkolleg. Studienkolleg is the German course I've been in for the last month. Overall, studienkolleg is a good thing, but it just wasn't for me, so I decided to quit and take other German courses and University courses during this semester. A couple of my normal courses at the university (ones that are in German, that I'm hoping to try out) start next week. The other ones start the week after as well as my Karate and Yoga classes. Also, that is the week that I have my new Placement exams for my new German courses which start the week of the 31st of October. So, basically that means about two more partially boring weeks, and then everything starts! This is good, and I'm SUPER excited. Also, tomorrow I'm going to volunteer at the Tierheim (animal shelter) and I think on Sunday too. I can't wait to get to play with dogs again.. I miss mine so much!

Lastly, I now have all of my results back for the new Placement test that we took. Here they all are:

Listening - 26 (out of 30)
Reading - 30 (out of 40)
Grammar - 22.5 (out of 30)

so, that gives me a total of 78.5 points. That means that had this been the actual placement test I would have made it to level two! It is a big improvement, and after only a month of class! I'm very proud of myself, and I hope that I do just as good on the 24th of October when I take my new placement exams.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Hi guys! So, when I first joined my Studienkolleg Germa Course class, we had to take an "Einstufungstest" (aka Placement Test) to put us into the right section. I got into section 1e, which is just under level two... well, on the three sections we had, here's how i did on the first test:

Listening - 11
Reading - 22
Grammar - 8

Yes, I know, I didn't do so well. But, considering I had NO idea how the test was, what to expect or how to study I think its okay. Plus, they used a lot of words that I did know. Anyways, after just a month of class, my scores have improved... this week and last we did a new Placement test, similar to the first one.. only different, obviously. now I got:

listening - 26

I haven't gotten the other scores back yet. but increasing my listening to 26 out of 30 was VERY good.. so... YAY! i'm happy! :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Morning - Morgen

Morning suck. Has anyone else ever noticed that? They're not so bad if you get up at the same time everyday, go to bed at the same time everynight and get about 9 hours sleep each night. then i don't mind them. hey, i may even enjoy them. but.. come on. how many people REALLY go to bed at a good time and get up at a good time? If anyone does that: congratulations! I haven't done since high school...

so yesterday, I was so tired when my alarm went off at seven that I just shut off my alarm, and went back to sleep. however, i woke up later, around eight, thinking i had just shut off my alarm and needed to get up in 10 minutes. then i learned it was late, and by time i got ready and got the street train/bus, i would be late to class. so i didn't go. today, it's now 7:30 and I'm up, ready to go. My street train leaves in 15 minutes... morning is too early. do you know how hard it is to make yourself go to the last week of a class that you don't even like, especially when you won't be getting any sort of grade or certificate saying you participated? it's tough...

and so here's my proposal for the day: Why don't we make it a law, and say that no one can start their day until at least 10 am? That would be nice. We could start it all at 10, be done at 4, and come home to spend the evenings with our families. wouldn't it be wonderful? or maybe the whole world should go on strike and demand that our days start around 10.. who's with me!?

okay okay, just kidding... but seriously... mornings do suck.

Monday, October 10, 2005


Well, it's been a few days since I've written up here about what's going on in life... so I thought that maybe I should update.

So, I officially know what my schedule is going to be. I will be taking the following courses:

1. 19th Century Novels, in English
2. German Language Course
3. German Phonetics Course
4. German Conversation Course
5. German Grammar Course

and at least one of the following three:

6. History of the DDR (East Germany)
7. History of Christianity
8. German Film Class

These last three are normal courses, taught in German here at the University. I'm not sure how well I will be able to understand them, so I'm not sure how many or which one(s) I will stick with all semester. Also, with the other five classes, all these three might be a bit much.. but maybe I need the challenge. I don't really know yet. So, my plan is to go sit in a see.. and decide in a few weeks. However, since all these classes (except the language course) are only 2 hours a week, i'm not loading myself up as much as it seems.

I'm also going to take Karate, with my friend Kelline from California, and Yoga on my own. That's exciting. It should be very interesting, to say the least. But supposedly Yoga helps a person relax, and avoid stress.. so it will probably be very beneficial to me. i'm anxious to try some new things.

Speaking of new things, and excercising. I went jogging yesterday (Sunday)! That is exciting. Kelline and I talked of going jogging together, once we know our schedules, and so I decided to start on my own, since I'll be starting some other excercising activities, and thought it might be good for me to start getting in shape a little more, like I said I would before I came to Germany. My goal this week is to go jogging for 15 minutes three times this week. Tomorrow (Tuesday) is day two. hopefully i'll have the strength to stick to it. And, since it doesn't get too cold here in the winter, I figure if I buy the right clothes, i can still go jogging in the winter. the idea of going jogging and not thinking at all on a beautiful winter day sounds very refreshing to me right now. of course: ask me again in december, and I may say something different.

so yeah, that's about it. This is my last week of the German classes I am currently in (the ones at Studienkolleg which I don't like) and slowly, week by week all my other activities start... so, by the first week of november all of my new things will be in full swing! I'm really excited! oh, and I found out that I can go walk the dogs at the Animal Shelter (and maybe play with cats too) whenever i want.. so hopefully tomorrow I will do that as well.

And, last but not least, on Monday, a week from today, Fabian starts his Civil Service. He'll be taking care of disabled people it seems (no one is too sure yet) and will be working 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, as well as for about an hour and a half in the evenings with his security job. So, he'll be busy busy too. Which is sad, but since he wants to get his Motorcycle license, it'll be good for him...

okay, now that really is about it! Until next post!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Thank You, wherever you are.

Foreward: This is a thank you letter, to a girl named Ventia. I met her through a mutual friend named Katie, back in 8th grade. It is because of her, that I have my faith in God and Jesus Christ. My faith has been pretty nonexistant in the last two years....i went from a happy, joyful, faithful girl who was content with everything in her life (except that she wanted her faith to grow) to the person I am now. I'm still happy... but my life is very complicated by a lot of things... and i'm finally accepting the fact that it is due to my change in faith over the last two years of life. I've known this fact for a long time... but now i'm acccepting it, and I know that it is no one's fault but my own. anyways, I heard a song... and it brought me to tears. It was about someone going to Heaven and getting thanked for the many people's lives they had touched. Well, I thought of Ventia because without her I wouldn't have my faith. Sadly, I have no idea what happened to her.. and I don't have the e-mail address of the one person who might know. So, feel free to read everyone.... and maybe, just maybe, God will lead Ventia some day to this and she will read it and have a brighter day because she truly made a difference in my life, as well as many others... i am sure.

Dear Ventia,

Hi. You may not remember me, but I met you a long time ago. We were in middle school. I met you through Katie G., and the first time i met you was at her Fall Sleepover Party that she had. I remember learning that you didn't even want to be kissed by a boy until you were engaged to him, and I thought that was so weird. But I thought you were nice and was happy to have met you. In the following spring, God brought several things into my life. First, was a dream. I saw two red lips in the middle of a pitch black room. They said, "Don't you think its time you let God into your life?" and then I woke up, crying. At that point, I asked God to help me let Him into my life. Around that same time there was an all night party at Katie's church. You were there. We all got split up into Bible studies sometime that night. Since I had never read a Bible, I had no idea how to find the part of the Bible that we were looking for. I explained to everyone later how embarrassed I was, because I had no idea where to look. You told me that you thought it was sad, and that you were going to get me a Bible. I told you that I didn't want one or need one, thank you... but you insisted. I forgot about the whole thing, and life went on. Then, a few weeks later we both went to an acapella concer by Tonic Sol-fa with Katie and some others. Still having forgotten about our previous conversation, I was happy to go and had fun that night. It was a Friday night. Then, on Monday, I saw Katie. She gave me a wrapped present from you. I was schocked, and curious.. what could this be? I had no idea why you had given it to me. Katie said that you wanted to give it to me, and that you gave it to her on Friday to give to me on Monday. When I opened it, there was the Bible that you had promised me. The one we argued over me having and the one I had forgotten you said you wanted to give to me. I was so shocked, and overwhelmed, and overjoyed. I couldn't believe it. If I remember right, I cried. It was a devotional Bible, and you included a letter with it with some verses you really liked, and advice on how to start reading it. I took your advice, and could hardly wait until the next monday to start it.
So, you see Ventia, I want to thank you. Had you not remembered to get me one, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I'm so thankful that God brought you into my life, even if it was for only a short time. And it makes me amazed at His wonderful plans, as well. So many things happened together in that time period... God planned you to help me find my faith a long time before you did so... what an AWESOME God we have! I pray for you, and I hope that God is doing wonderful things in your life, as I am sure He is. If you stumble upon this, please leave me a comment, and let me know. God is a wonderful guy up there.. and I'm thankful to you for helping me accept Him into my life. I can't wait to see you in Heaven and thank you in person.

Your Sister in Christ,

p.s. it was a song called, "Thank You." I don't know the author, but it is found on the second disc of the "Songs 4 Life: Feel the Power" CD that came out a long time ago, and it is what reminded me today of you, and God laid it on my heart, that i should write you a thank you, and tell you how much you meant to me. Thank you.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Mittwoch - Wednesday

Okay, so today is Wednesday. And I haven't posted since Sunday. Sorry, I've been slacking, and this week has zoomed by.

So, Monday was Der Tag der Deutschen Einheit... which means "Day of German Reunification." Here is a little history lesson for you all... After World War 2, Germany was split into two country: East and West Germany. In the 1960's a wall was built between East and West Berlin to keep people from leaving East Berlin. People who tried to cross the wall were shot. Nice, huh? Anyways, in 1989 the Berlin Wall fell. On October 3, 1990 the two countries were formerly reunited. And now, they have a holiday celebrating that. So, that is what Monday was. which basically meant: yay! no class or work for anyone! and also no stores were open either - so no grocery shopping, no shopping at the "mall" (aka the place in town where you go shopping. It's not a mall, its a walking area w/shops, sort of like a strip mall but way cooler)... but it was still an extra day to sleep in, so it was quite nice.

So, what else is new with me? well, I officially am going to take new classes, sometime soon... but I'm not 100% sure which ones yet. which is bad, I still need to figure it out. I just learned today that there are books which describe the classes, which would help A LOT since the school website here is pretty much incomprehensible.
so tomorrow or wednesday i need to get that.

i'm offically going to start Yoga here in a few weeks. I also may be joining a riding club, learning Karate, and starting to go jogging a few times a week with a friend. so, in other words: i'm going to be busy and staying in shape! which is quite scary for me, since i've been saying i'm going to work out for years, and never actually stick to the plan. hopefully these clubs will influence me to stay in shape.

I also have another goal: to start speaking way more German (slowly but surely I'm getting there: I promise). one way to start that is to make myself more immersed in the language. So my goal is to watch more german tv (instead of the MTV shows in english that are still on TV over here.. like Meet the Barkers, Pimp My Ride, and Cribs), and to finish both Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the sequel "Charlie and the Big Glass Box" (name might be different, i don't remember right now) by the end of October. That means 10.5 pages per day. And yes.. it's a german book. Granted, it's for little kids, but i'm still a slow reader, so it'll take a while.

okay, i think i'm done for now. I'm going to try to work on my schedule for the winter semester for a little bit, and then sleep. have a great day!

Sunday, October 02, 2005


so today is Sunday. Yesterday we went to Munich (Saturday), except we never got there. We rented a car, and around 12 (we were about 1/2 to munich by now.. it's a 5 hour drive, about) we had car troubles.. the engine got too hot.

so, to make a long story short: we called the rental company, got a tow truck, then sat around in a small town waiting for the rental car company to bring us a new car, so we could turn around and drive back to Saarbruecken because it was too late to go all the way to Munich. So, at 5:30 last night, the new car finally showed up... five and a half hours after we had car troubles.

to make it worse: the car rental company was very rude to us, and now i'm sick.

so.. yesterday didn't go so well. I'm dissapointed because we spent about six hours driving total yesterday and never got anywhere, besides a rest stop that we stopped at twice to get food. Yesterday I thought it was funny.. today i think its sad and disspointing... but oh well. live, and learn, right?

i am officially going to take Yoga I think. And maybe join a riding club (horse back riding that is).

That's all from me... i'm going to go shower.